filecxx / FileCentipede

Cross-platform internet upload/download manager for HTTP(S), FTP(S), SSH, magnet-link, BitTorrent, m3u8, ed2k, and online videos. WebDAV client, FTP client, SSH client.
7.43k stars 464 forks source link

Slow Download Speed for YouTube #775

Open adlihm opened 4 months ago

adlihm commented 4 months ago

So I'm currently looking for IDM alternative, and this app actually fulfilled all needs from IDM. However, I don't know why if I downloaded a video from YouTube, it only showed 1/6 of the maximum speed I got in IDM. Weirdly, downloading other files shows the correct speed. Any idea why this happened?


filecxx commented 4 months ago

FileCentipede is not a good choice for downloading videos from YouTube, Last time I checked IDM was using its own intermediary HTTP source ( ) to get YouTube videos instead of extracting videos from the web page.

In the future, I'll add a feature to allow users to set their own intermediary HTTP source for special domains. (decode YouTube cipher signature cannot be directly added to the browser extension, see

adlihm commented 4 months ago

Ah... That explained the issue then... Okay. Thank you for enlightening me... 👀👍🏻