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Code Quality: Introduce IStorageQueryService and IStorageEnumerationService #8974

Open cinqmilleans opened 2 years ago

cinqmilleans commented 2 years ago

Decoupling Items in the Filesystem Folder

This issue discusses the migration from Storage to the backend. This step is preliminary to the ListedItem refactor. With this discussion, we can parallelize the changes to save time. @lukeblevins @d2dyno1 @gave92


Items in the Filesystem folder should be removed from unwanted dependencies.

We take the opportunity to rework the style to clarify the files. The order of the elements is completely random. PRs are already pending. We can also check what is should be public or not. It will also be necessary to manage nullables because the backend manages them differently.

Potential work item ideas

------ And even more coming soon ------

gave92 commented 2 years ago

Could you point me a couple of examples where ViewModel and App are referenced in Storage?

cinqmilleans commented 2 years ago

FilesystemOperations depends on IShellPage to access the ItemViewModel, for example here: FilesystemResult<BaseStorageFolder> destinationResult = await associatedInstance.FilesystemViewModel.GetFolderFromPathAsync(PathNormalization.GetParentDir(destination)); GetFolderFromPathAsync depends on the current page. This dependency must therefore be circumvented.

In FilesystemHelpers, we find for example: App.JumpList.RemoveFolder(source.Path); // Remove items from jump list

gave92 commented 2 years ago

Ah ok, I assumed this was just about the StorageFile/Folder implementations 👍

lukeblevins commented 2 years ago

Edited to include my ideas for #8405 which was somewhat informed by @d2dyno1's code review suggestions a couple months ago.


0x5bfa commented 1 month ago


Posting new operation status should be taken place in each rich command that executes operation. Below denotes how and what layers we should implement without detailed information such as method arguments and long comments.


Copies to clipboard with Copy type.

graph TD;


Copies to clipboard with Move type.

graph TD;


Pastes to the current folder in Copy mode.

graph TD;

Pastes to the current folder in Cut mode.

graph TD;


Deletes permanently.

graph TD;

Remove (Move to Trash)

Moves to Trash (Recycle Bin on Windows). Redirects to permanent deletion in some file systems that don’t support recycling.

graph TD;


Performs Rapid Load - load of file names only to show on the UI rapidly.

graph TD;


Performs Lazy Load - delayed load of basic properties to show file names rapidly.

graph TD;


Queries with queryable syntax, such as RegEx, AQS and SQL, either in deep(recursively) and in shallow.

graph TD;

Properties Query

Queries properties of a storable . Since there're too many properties to retrieve on-loaded, this layer should be accessed on-demand, such as in Details Pane and in Properties window.

graph TD;
graph TD;
graph TD;



Provides services for enumerations, searching and operations. Those services are intended to use without regarding file system capabilities.

Here’s abstracted services:

See All
### IStorageQueryService ```c# Task> GetAllAsync( string path, string query = "*", bool recursive = false, CancellationToken? token = default); ``` ```c# Task> GetAllWithAQSAsync( string path, string query = "", bool recursive = false, CancellationToken? token = default); ``` ```c# Task> GetAllWithSQLAsync( string path, string query = "", bool recursive = false, CancellationToken? token = default); ``` ### IStorageEnumerationService ```c# Task> GetAllAsync( IReadOnlyList items, StoragePropertiesGenerationKind propertiesGenerationKind = StoragePropertiesGenerationKind.Standard, CancellationToken? token = default); ``` ```c# Task> GetAllAsync( IReadOnlyList items, StoragePropertiesGenerationKind propertiesGenerationKind = StoragePropertiesGenerationKind.Extended, CancellationToken? token = default); ``` ### IStorageOperationsService ```c# FILES_ERROR CopyAsync(/**/); FILES_ERROR MoveAsync(/**/); FILES_ERROR RemoveAsync(/**/); FILES_ERROR DeleteAsync(/**/); ``` ### Each file system operation services - IWin32StorageService - IFtpStorageService - IShellStorageService - IArchiveStorageService - ISftpStorageService (unsupported yet) - IWebDAVStorageService (unsupported yet)


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### StoragePropertiesGenerationKind ```c# internal enum StoragePropertiesGenerationKind { Standard, // Used for the first enum in the rapid load Extended, // Used for the second enumeration in the lazy load } ```


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### FILES_ERROR Represents error code and provides sets of extended functions. ```c# public struct FILES_ERROR { bool IsSucceed { get; set; } bool IsFailed { get; set; } WIN32_ERROR Win32Error { get; set; } FILES_ERROR ThrowIfFailed(); FILES_ERROR ThrowIf(FILES_ERROR errorCode); static FILES_ERROR FromHResult(uint hResult); static FILES_ERROR FromException(Exception ex); } ```


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### StorageOperationFailedException Let’s use this for every file system operation exception and write in the log. ```c# public sealed class StorageOperationFailedException : Exception { private FILES_ERROR _errorCode; public StorageOperationFailedException(error code) { _errorCode = errorCode; } } ```


The app needs watchers to keep eye on file modifications from outside of the application.

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We’ve made watchers through IFilesystemWatcher as demanded, as the result, watcher is everywhere and causing an issue where some watchers are not in operation in some file systems. Thus, watchers also should be unified as below: - IWatcher - IFolderWatcher - IDeviceWatcher - ITrashWatcher

Basic Storage Items

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### Fundamentals (interface) - IStorable - IFile - IFolder ### ILocatables (interface) Represents interface for storables that resides in a folder structure. ```c# // string Path ``` ### IModifiables (interface) Represents interface for storables that can be modified. ```c# // bool IsTrashAvailable FILES_ERROR CopyAsync(/**/); FILES_ERROR MoveAsync(/**/); FILES_ERROR MoveToTrashAsync(/**/); FILES_ERROR DeleteAsync(/**/); FILES_ERROR CreateChildAsync(/**/); // For IFolders only ``` ### INestables (interface) Represents interface for storables to get their parent. ```c# FILES_ERROR GetParentAsync(/**/); ``` ### NativeStorage This uses Shell Win32API through CsWin32 to support accessing unauthorized folders with COM elevation. ### FtpStorage This uses FluentFtp, no worth it making our own one. ### ArchiveStorage This uses SevenZipSharp and 7zip.

Storage UI Items

See All
### IStandardStorageItem This interface allows the layout pages including Home and Sidebar to display all item kinds as below and get necessary standard properties and extended properties shown in each item row and its details pane. ```c# internal interface IStandardStorageItem : ILocatableStorable { // FrameworkElement? Icon // int Id // string Name // string Path // ulong Size // DateTimeOffset DateCreated // DateTimeOffset DateAccessed // DateTimeOffset DateModified // string DateCreatedHumanized // string DateAccessedHumanized // string DateModifiedHumanized // IStorageProperties Properties } ``` ### StandardStorageItem (previously ListedItem, LocationItem) This has ‘AsRecycleBinItem‘ and ‘AsGitItem‘ properties as well to support all properties in single DataTemplate. ```c# internal abstract StandardStorageItem : IStandardStorageItem { // Inherits from the interface } ``` ### StandardShellItem (previously ShellItem and RecentItem) ```c# internal abstract StandardShellItem : IStandardStorageItem { // string ShellPath } ``` ### StandardLibraryItem (previously SidebarLibraryItem and ShellLinkItem) ```c# internal abstract StandardLibraryItem : StandardStorageItem { } ``` ### StandardDriveItem (previously DriveItem) ```c# internal class StandardDriveItem : StandardStorageItem { } ``` ### StandardShortcutItem (previously RecentItem, ShellLinkItem) ```c# internal class StandardShortcutItem : StandardStorageItem { // string TargetPath } ``` ### StandardGitItem (previously GitItem) ```c# internal class StandardGitItem : StandardStorageItem { // string GitLastCommitAuthor // string GitLastCommitDate // string GitLastCommitMessage // [Enum] GitFileModifyStatus } ``` ### StandardFileTagItem (previously FileTagItem and 3 more) ```c# internal class StandardFileTagItem : StandardStorageItem { // string ColorHex } ``` ### StandardRecycleBinItem (previously RecycleBinItem) ```c# internal class StandardRecycleBinItem : StandardStorageItem { // string OriginalPath // DateTimeOffset DateDeleted // string DateDeletedHumanized } ```

Storage UI Properties

Those properties are intended to use in Details pane and Properties window. Because they are very detailed, places where to be used is very limited but still necessary to keep better experience on Windows

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### IStorableProperties This represents extended properties, loading of which has to be lazy loading in UI thread with low priority without deadlock. Especially when you want to get music properties for mp3 file, for example, you can specify the combined flag `Music` to the `kind` parameter, then the method gets them through native properties in `System.Kind` such as `System.Audio.Format` and `System.Category` and returns as NativeProperties. ```cs internal interface IStorageProperties { Task> GetAllAsync( StorablePropertiesKind kind = StorablePropertiesKind.All); Task GetAsync( StorablePropertiesKind kind); } ``` ### IStorageProperty Supports all kind of properties. ```c# internal interface IStorageProperty : IStorable { public string Kind { get; private set; } public string Name { get; private set; } public string NameHumanized { get; private set; } public T Value { get; private set; } public string ValueHumanized { get; private set; } public bool IsReadOnly { get; private set; } } ``` ### StoragePropertySection This is used in Details tab of properties window. ```c# internal class StoragePropertySection : IEnumerable { public string SectionName { get; private set; } public string SectionNameHumanized { get; private set; } public int SectionDisplayOrder { get; private set; } public StoragePropertySection(IEnumerable properties) : base(properties) { } } ``` ### NativeProperties ### ShellProperties ### DriveProperties ### CloudDriveProperties ### NetworkProperties ### GitProperties


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### Collection of items acquisition ```cs ShellViewModel.GetAllAsync(CancellationToken? token = default) ↓ var paths = StorageQueryService.GetAllAsync( path, token: token); ↓ var items = StorageEnumerationService.GetAllAsync( paths, StorablePropertiesGenerationKind.Standard, token); ``` ### Properties acquisition ```cs ShellViewModel.GetExtendedPropertiesAsync(CancellationToken? token = default) ↓ var items = StorageEnumerationService.GetAllAsync( items, StorablePropertiesGenerationKind.Extended, token); ``` ### Search results acquisition ```cs ShellViewModel.SearchAsync(CancellationToken? token = default) ↓ var items = StorageQueryService.GetAllAsync( path, "*.docx", true, token); ```
Arlodotexe commented 3 weeks ago

IStorageQueryService feels like an anti-pattern, and it's one I've been actively avoiding in my own apps for some time. Best to start with some given root folder.

0x5bfa commented 3 weeks ago

~~Even it’s to support some type of query languages that are supported only on Windows such as AQS and Windows Search SQL via Win32API - Windows Search API v3? If we use extension methods the app has to cast to NativeStorageFolder in search control view model. I think wrapping with interface protects codebase from being modified unintentionally and I want to avoid view models think about platform capability and try to use abstracted interfaces for it.~~

You're totally true. When it comes to Storage Search, we might as well create an extension SearchAsync as IStorageQueryService.