filesender / governance

Governance and policies for the FileSender software development
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Defaults: email_from/email_return_path sender still best? #38

Open monkeyiq opened 2 months ago

monkeyiq commented 2 months ago

An issue on the regular FileSender issue tracker is asking about possibly changing the default values for email_from to a static no reply address.

I am happy to update these defaults for the 3.x series to allow less work for system admins who might otherwise have to try to workout ways for the system to allow emails from other domains or other issues.

WebSpider commented 2 months ago

In the days of more strict spam combatting, using the sender address of the user makes it a lot more complex, since the mail relay would need to do all the fancy DKIM signatures as well.

Looking at the current documentation, this currently has no default. This in itself is interesting, since an e-mail has to have a from-address, so I guess the actual default here is related to the php config.

I guess it doesn't hurt to change the default to something like noreply$cfg:site_url or something similar, making it independant of the php config, which the filesender admin doesn't need to have access to directly