filgf / grow3.js

A library for building recursive 3D structures.
MIT License
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eisen script conversion #3

Open zs-sz opened 10 years ago

zs-sz commented 10 years ago

Hi There! I'm a big fan of StructureSynth and just wondering, wouldn`t be possible to convert eisen script to this api in a straightforward manner? Even if just a static generator or something similar. In other words do you support all eisen script 'features' ? Appart from rendering and other, setup like StructureSynth commands.

filgf commented 10 years ago

I think it might work for some scripts, but not all. At least as of now, grow3.js is no complete superset of StructureSynth's features.

A few StructureSynth features with no exact correspondence in grow3.js are f.e.: "rule retirement (with substitution)" ( md 10 > next_rule), weights for ambiguous rules and some of the color transformations.

zs-sz commented 10 years ago


Thanx for the quick reply! I was just thinking out loudly here, as I already have a lots of stuff in eisen script.

kronpano commented 7 years ago

Hi there, I know it is late (3 years late) and I am sort of hijacking this question.

I wanted to ask @28inch about the Eisen scripts.

So would be really nice if we could get in touch.