filicious / core

Filicious is a high level object oriented filesystem abstraction for PHP.
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Simplify the API #78

Closed tristanlins closed 10 years ago

tristanlins commented 10 years ago

I will continue this project soon, but I want to simplify and rework the whole system:

The main aspect is, that the "integration" part will be dropped. It make no sense to enforce a specific integration layer, in a filesystem abstraction layer. This must be part of the integrating system (e.g. a symfony bundle).

Due to drop the filesystem configuration, the incomplete "live reconfiguration ability" make no sense anymore. The integrating system may provide this feature. The same applies to the requested registry feature (see #72).

I also want to remove the Filesystem class. It is too complex and make no sense, if we can work directly with the adapters. So all adapters will be rename back from "_Adapters" into "_Filesystem".

We may provide a "default integration and configuration" package in the future, but this must be a separate project.

discordier commented 10 years ago

Totally agreed!

tristanlins commented 10 years ago

Okay, I have finished my work so far. Here is a short summary what I have done in the last 49 commits from the last 0.9.1 and the new 1.0-alpha1 release.

A have not removed the Filesystem class. While overwork the API, I find out that splitting the adapters from the filesystem is a good idea to split the public from the internal API. Most of the API still exists as in the previous version.

What I have removed:

I added:

I improved and cleaned the public and private API and moved some convenience methods into the Util or the new Validator class. After all, the new build is working again :-)

At least, I have reworked the project page, it is now a github page, see Be patient, you will not see the website yet, I transfered the domain to another registrar and the transfer is not finished yet. It should be available in one or two days.