filippotoso / pdf-watermarker

Simple PDF Watermarker with Laravel support
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Fix $pageRangeTo assignment of pageRange in FilippoToso\PdfWatermarker\Watermarkers\BaseWatermarketer #10

Closed Vshow101 closed 1 month ago

Vshow101 commented 1 month ago

Currently, $toPage is not assigned to $pageRangeTo:

    public function pageRange($fromPage, $toPage = null)
        $this->pageRangeFrom = (int)$fromPage;
        $this->pageRangeFrom = (int)$toPage;
        return $this;


    public function pageRange($fromPage, $toPage = null)
        $this->pageRangeFrom = (int)$fromPage;
        $this->pageRangeTo = (int)$toPage;
        return $this;
filippotoso commented 1 month ago

Fixed in the latest release