filipradenovic / cnnimageretrieval

CNN Image Retrieval in MatConvNet: Training and evaluating CNNs for Image Retrieval in MatConvNet
MIT License
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error in get_images() #6

Closed RuibinMa closed 6 years ago

RuibinMa commented 6 years ago

Hi, Thanks for sharing code. I got the following error. Any suggestions?

Validation images not provided, loading...

imageDir: /playpen/cnnimageretrieval/data/train/ims Running on GPU GeForce GTX TITAN X with Index 1

[ 0.00%] [ ] [t ?] [e 0.0s] [r ?] Error using imresizegpumex Expected input scale to be a real, positive scalar of numeric type on the CPU.

Error in gpuArray/imresize (line 46) B = imresizegpumex(varargin{:});

Error in imresizemaxd (line 19) im = imresize(im, [sz NaN], method);

Error in get_images>@(x)imresizemaxd(x,opts.imageSize)

Error in get_images>getImageBatch (line 78) data = cellfun(@(x) imresizemaxd(x, opts.imageSize), data, 'UniformOutput', false);

filipradenovic commented 6 years ago

This looks like a MATLAB version incompatibility. Which version of MATLAB are you using? Can you try running it with MATLAB R2017a, as suggested in the README?

RuibinMa commented 6 years ago

No I'm using 2015b. Maybe that's the reason. I've tried the pytorch version and that works well. Thanks!