filipradenovic / cnnimageretrieval

CNN Image Retrieval in MatConvNet: Training and evaluating CNNs for Image Retrieval in MatConvNet
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Adam solver issue #7

Closed frash83 closed 5 years ago

frash83 commented 5 years ago

It gives me an error for the following line: assert(isa(opts.train.solver, 'function_handle') && nargout(opts.train.solver) == 2,... 'Invalid solver; expected a function handle with two outputs.');

Error using nargout Function solver.adam does not exist.

It seems there is no @solver.adam in Matlab R2017a.

filipradenovic commented 5 years ago

@solver.adam is from MatConvNet, not MATLAB. This is the implementation. Make sure you are using MatConvNet toolbox version 1.0-beta25, and it should work.