filipw / Strathweb.CacheOutput

ASP.NET Web API CacheOutput - library to allow you to cache the output of ApiControllers
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installutil with custom cache key generator #97

Open johnecon opened 10 years ago

johnecon commented 10 years ago

I am developing a web service using ASP.NET WEB API 2 and Owin and it is supposed to run as a windows service. Simple caching using CacheOutputUntilToday(23,55) works fine but I want to add the authorization header to the cache key, since it seems it is not included in the key. For this reason I created a class that implements ICacheKeyGenerator:

using System.Web.Http.Controllers;
using System.Net.Http.Headers;
using WebApi.OutputCache.V2;
class CustomCacheKeyGenerator : ICacheKeyGenerator
    public string MakeCacheKey(HttpActionContext context, MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType, bool excludeQueryString = false)
        return context.Request.Headers.Authorization.ToString() + context.Request.RequestUri.ToString();

and I use it in the Startup.cs as shown:

HttpConfiguration config = new HttpConfiguration();
config.CacheOutputConfiguration().RegisterDefaultCacheKeyGeneratorProvider(() => new 

The command installutil myservice.exe gives back the following error:

   Installing assembly 'C:\Users\ISOI\Desktop\SalesRepMobileAppService\SalesRepMobi
Affected parameters are:
   logtoconsole =
   logfile = C:\Users\ISOI\Desktop\SalesRepMobileAppService\SalesRepMobileAppSer
   assemblypath = C:\Users\ISOI\Desktop\SalesRepMobileAppService\SalesRepMobileA
An exception occurred while trying to find the installers in the C:\Users\ISOI\D
ileAppService.exe assembly.
System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the
 requested types. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information.
Aborting installation for C:\Users\ISOI\Desktop\SalesRepMobileAppService\SalesRe

An exception occurred during the Install phase.
System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to get installer types in the C:\Users\
RepMobileAppService.exe assembly.
The inner exception System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException was thrown wit
h the following error message: Unable to load one or more of the requested types
. Retrieve the LoaderExceptions property for more information..

The Rollback phase of the installation is beginning.
See the contents of the log file for the C:\Users\ISOI\Desktop\SalesRepMobileApp
Service\SalesRepMobileAppService\bin\Release\SalesRepMobileAppService.exe assemb
ly's progress.

There are so many different solutions for this out there but none worked for me until now. Any help would be highly appreciated

filipw commented 10 years ago

did you compile the service as .net 4.5?

johnecon commented 10 years ago
