fillmaster / fillMaster

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Display visual metronome hints in lead up to fill sound. #47

Open dcallus opened 2 years ago

dcallus commented 2 years ago

Presently Every 4 (or 2 if you set it this way in settings) bars we have a fill (helper) sound playing on the metronome.

It would be nice if we had a visual queue that the helper sound is coming up.

For example.

If the helper sound is on beat 4 of bar 4. We should have beat 2 be red (instead of blue), beat 3 will be amber and beat 4 will be green.

As well as changing the colour we should change the border (in case somebody is colour blind). The red beat would be e.g. twice as much border (make sure it's an internal border) The amber beat would have a border that takes up a quarter of the box size The green will take up, say 2 /3rds of the box size.

If the helper sound is on beat 1 of bar 4, then the 'countdown colours' would need to start on bar 3.

The (possibly) hard bit is this: In the near future we will allow for helper sounds to appear on the '&' or 'e' or 'a' of the beat (in between beats). This is already programmed in, but not called yet. They're called subdivisions.

So we need to account for this. So basically make sure subBeats are in the equation. So that if we have a beat on the & of 4. We would have the 'countdown colours' appear on the & of 2, the & of 3 and finally the & of 4. This is despite the fact that the notes would appear (blue) on beat.

Feel free to get in touch if this doesn't make much sense.

There should also be an option to remove this option from the settings as this may be distracting for some.

This should all be possible (as far as I'm aware) in Metronome.tsx, mostly in the render function of the