Open jpnathannew opened 7 years ago
Hi @jpnathannew, The default 'item' element tag is used when an array is provided and the schema does not have an entry for how each item should be wrapped. So if your original array is:
$data => [
'variantAttributeNames' => ['color', 'shoeSize']
Then you can tell the class how to serialize them via the schema with something like:
$schema = [
'/variantAttributeNames' => [
'sendItemsAs' => 'variantAttributeName'
$a2x = new A2X($data, $schema);
$xml = $a2x->asXml();
Should output (although not pretty printed like this for readability):
Now, with all that said, array2xml
actually understands simple plurals for sending array items, so if the parent element ends with an s
it will just strip that off for children. So you can just do:
$data => [
'variantAttributeNames' => ['color', 'shoeSize']
$a2x = new A2X($data);
$xml = $a2x->asXml();
And you should still get:
Let me know if that works for you.
Hi @fillup ,
After your comment I checked with following schema
$schema = [
'/MPItemFeed/MPItem' => [
'sendItemsAs' => 'MPItem',
'includeWrappingTag' => false,
'/variantAttributeNames' => [
'sendItemsAs' => 'variantAttributeName'
If I do that change in SDK. Its working fine. Can you do this change in walmart-partner-api-sdk-php\src\item.php->bulk() function?
Dear @fillup , Hope you are doing great,
I am using your one of the SDK walmart-partner-api-sdk-php. when I tried create configurable product I face one issue on variantAttributeNames array preparation.
My sample request array given below requestArray.txt
For eg: My prepared array under Footwear->Shoes category
Expected XML
But I got the different type of XML. I got the following xml from A2X.php
item tag automatically added after array to xml conversion. After that I checked the A2X.php. I found one static name item on line number 121
After that I modified my array and modified A2X,php file. I removed variantAttributeName from my array and replace the item to variantAttributeName in A2X.php
My updated request array given below requestArray.txt
Now I get the expected result
Will my changes affect any other parts of SDK? Do you have any functions that create products XML like the expected xml above? if you have the function in SDK then I can use that function to prepare XML from array. I can revert my changes.