filoe / cscore

An advanced audio library, written in C#. Provides tons of features. From playing/recording audio to decoding/encoding audio streams/files to processing audio data in realtime (e.g. applying custom effects during playback, create visualizations,...). The possibilities are nearly unlimited.
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Request for some help, want to create an audio base Radio IF Signal Processor [IF SDR] #250

Open pa3akp opened 7 years ago

pa3akp commented 7 years ago

Let me first comment that CSCore is an amazing project, the first one I have ever seen with such details.

What do I want to create. I am an HAM radio operator and want to create in C#, with the help of CSCore, a universal Audio IF (IF = Intermediate Frequency) signal processor to built a IF SDR (software defined Radio). The signal processing is meant to demodulate radio signals converted from the 455kHz IF of my receiver into a 12kHz IF. The modulation types can be AM, FM, USB, LSB,.... whatever.

Next to the IF processing, I would like to create Audio Based signal processing of of signals like SSTV(Slow Scan Television, WEFAX (Weather Fax Maps), APT(Automatic Picture Transmission from weather satelllites), RTTY ( Radio TeleType) etc etc.

Also custom filtering DSP must be one of the features (Low Pass, High Pass etc)

As a first step for help:

At the moment I already can sample the incoming Audio, using one of the samples in CScore, and place them info a buffer with a programmable size. Making use of Zedgraph I can display the sampled time domain and using AlgLib and Zedgraph to create a spectral plot.

In the code below, I store each sample of the single block read in a buffer of 2^n samples. When the buffer has all the points I show time domain or (after FFT) show freq domain.

QUESTION: how can I replay the contents of this (unprocessed) data back again to the audio output of the soundcard?

Thanks Onno de Meijer

private void SingleBlockNotificationStreamOnSingleBlockRead(object sender, SingleBlockReadEventArgs e)
            // Filling of FFT-list to 'totSamples' points
            if (fftBufferPointer < totSamples - 1)         //This statement was < is now !=

                // Array without the Window function for the Scope, no windowing

                // if the form SpectrumAnalyserForm is open, then work on the FFT data points.

                switch (fftWindow)
                // Depending on the sampling winwdow type, fill the Array 'windowedBuffer(L)(R)' with windowed sample points
                case "hamming":
                    windowedBufferL.Add(Convert.ToDouble(e.Left) * (0.54 - 0.46 * Math.Cos((2 * Math.PI * fftBufferPointer) / (totSamples - 1))));
                case "hanning":
                    windowedBufferL.Add(Convert.ToDouble(e.Left) * 0.5 * (1 - Math.Cos((2 * Math.PI * fftBufferPointer) / (totSamples - 1))));
                case "blackman-harris":
                    windowedBufferL.Add(Convert.ToDouble(e.Left) * (0.35875 - 0.48829 * Math.Cos((2 * Math.PI * fftBufferPointer) / (totSamples - 1)) + 0.14128 * Math.Cos((4 * Math.PI * fftBufferPointer) / (totSamples - 1)) - 0.01168 * Math.Cos((6 * Math.PI * fftBufferPointer) / (totSamples - 1))));

                // Increment the fftBufferPointer



                // Is the ScopeForm loaded?
                Form fc = Application.OpenForms["ScopeForm"];
                if (fc != null)
                    // Call the scope display with the list converted to an array

                // Is the SpecAnForm loaded?
                fc = Application.OpenForms["SpectrumAnalyserForm"];
                if (fc != null)
                    // Call the specan display with the list converted to an array

                // Clear the audio time-span buffers and the pointer


                fftBufferPointer = 0;
pa3akp commented 7 years ago

To make it more clear : the data which resides in the buffer fftBufferL and/or fftBufferR


filoe commented 7 years ago

As far as I understood you correct, you would like to do a IFFT on the fftBufferL and fftBufferR, store the samples in a buffer again and play them?

pa3akp commented 7 years ago

Thanks for coming back Florian!

I will compose a good explanation of my needs and come back to you!

Best regards,

Onno de Meijer

From: Florian Rosmann [] Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2017 5:49 PM To: filoe/cscore Cc: Onno de Meijer; Author Subject: Re: [filoe/cscore] Request for some help, want to create an audio base Radio IF Signal Processor [IF SDR] (#250)

As far as I understood you correct, you would like to do a IFFT on the fftBufferL and fftBufferR, store the samples in a buffer again and play them?

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filoe commented 6 years ago

Any news on that?

pa3akp commented 6 years ago

Hi Florian,

Thanks for the mail!

Not yet unfortunately, sorry for this.

I am working on a large project in Russia at present for work, and free time is a problem, and away from home often.

I will come back on this, but appreciate your reminder!

Best regards,


From: Florian Rosmann [] Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2017 10:34 PM To: filoe/cscore Cc: Onno de Meijer; Author Subject: Re: [filoe/cscore] Request for some help, want to create an audio base Radio IF Signal Processor [IF SDR] (#250)

Any news on that?

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