filplus-bookkeeping / DAYOU

Bookkeeping repo for Allocator #1010
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[DataCap Application] < NShared > - <Enterprise data> #25

Open Firestony opened 20 hours ago

Firestony commented 20 hours ago



DataCap Applicant


Project ID


Data Owner Name


Data Owner Country/Region

Hong Kong

Data Owner Industry

Life Science / Healthcare



Social Media Handle


Social Media Type


What is your role related to the dataset

Dataset Owner

Total amount of DataCap being requested


Expected size of single dataset (one copy)


Number of replicas to store


Weekly allocation of DataCap requested


On-chain address for first allocation


Data Type of Application

Public, Open Commercial/Enterprise

Custom multisig


No response

Share a brief history of your project and organization

Company Name: NShared Investment Global Limited
Established: 2022
Registered in: United Kingdom
Headquarters: Hong Kong
Main Business: Financial Services

Company Overview:

NShared Investment Global Limited, established in 2022, is headquartered in Hong Kong and registered in the United Kingdom. The company focuses on providing comprehensive financial services to global clients, covering multiple sectors such as asset management, investment consulting, and fintech solutions. NShared is dedicated to helping clients achieve asset growth and maintain a competitive edge in complex market environments through innovative financial technologies and data management strategies.

Core Business Areas:

Asset Management
NShared Investment Global Limited offers tailored asset management services. By conducting thorough market analysis and risk management, the company ensures the stability and maximization of investment returns. Whether institutional clients or individual investors, NShared provides customized asset allocation solutions to meet their needs.

Investment Consulting
With a team of experienced investment advisors, the company provides precise market trend analysis, investment strategy recommendations, and risk assessments, helping clients make informed decisions in global markets.

Fintech Solutions
NShared Investment Global Limited leverages financial technology (Fintech) innovations to deliver secure and convenient financial solutions to its clients. Whether it's data storage, risk management, or automated trading, NShared uses cutting-edge technology to offer efficient digital services.

Data Storage Requirements:

As a financial company, NShared Investment Global Limited handles a large volume of financial data, including client transaction records, market analysis data, and investment portfolios. The storage and management of this data are crucial. The company employs advanced data storage technologies to ensure the security, reliability, and traceability of its data. NShared places great emphasis on data compliance, adhering to global financial regulatory standards to ensure the safe storage and transmission of client information and market data.

Company Vision:

NShared Investment Global Limited aims to become a global leader in financial services by driving innovation and leveraging technology. The company focuses on delivering value to clients, continually enhancing customer experience, and expanding its influence in the financial markets. NShared is committed to creating sustainable growth in the ever-evolving global financial landscape.


With its extensive experience in the financial sector and a global outlook, NShared Investment Global Limited continues to expand its business footprint while optimizing data management and financial services. In the future, NShared will continue to innovate and strive to provide more comprehensive and intelligent financial solutions for its clients.

Is this project associated with other projects/ecosystem stakeholders?


If answered yes, what are the other projects/ecosystem stakeholders

No response

Describe the data being stored onto Filecoin

1. Client Transaction Data
Definition: Client transaction data includes detailed records of the transactions clients make on financial platforms, such as stock purchases, bond transactions, foreign exchange trades, commodity futures, etc.
Typical Data Fields:
Transaction time, transaction type (buy, sell)
Financial instrument names (such as stock or bond codes)
Transaction quantity and price
Fees and charges (commissions, taxes)
Public Storage Possibility:
Anonymized and Aggregated Data: Client transaction behaviors can be aggregated and anonymized for public storage. For instance, aggregated data on the overall trading volume or frequency of a specific stock can be shared without revealing individual client details.
Sensitive Data Handling: Personal identity information, account balances, and other sensitive information should not be publicly stored. Any data that is shared must remove personally identifiable information (PII).
2. Market Analysis Data
Definition: Market analysis data refers to reports or forecasts generated from analyzing market behavior, historical trends, and economic factors. This includes in-depth assessments of market trends, industry performance, and economic indicators.
Typical Data Fields:
Economic indicators (e.g., GDP growth rate, inflation rate)
Performance data of specific stocks or commodities within an industry
Historical market trends (e.g., stock price fluctuations)
Industry or market forecasts and model analysis results
Public Storage Possibility:
Non-Personal Data: Market analysis data usually doesn’t involve personal information and can be publicly stored if it complies with industry standards. For example, long-term trend analysis reports for a specific stock or supply-demand models for a market can be shared.
Commercial Sensitivity: Some market analysis data related to company strategies, proprietary models, or innovations might need to remain confidential to maintain competitive advantage.
3. Investment Records
Definition: Investment records refer to detailed accounts of investment behaviors over time, including asset allocation, trade decisions, and investment returns.
Typical Data Fields:
Investment targets (e.g., stocks, funds, bonds)
Investment amounts, buy/sell timing
Investment returns, loss/gain records
Changes in investment portfolios
Public Storage Possibility:
Aggregated and Statistical Data: Similar to transaction data, investment records can be aggregated for public storage. For instance, the overall return rate of a fund’s investment portfolio or the industry distribution of investments can be shared without revealing specific personal or institutional strategies.
Sensitive Information Handling: Specific investment decisions and strategy information are sensitive, particularly if they detail a particular client or institution’s investment plans or asset allocation. Such information is usually kept confidential.
Prerequisites for Public Data Storage:
Data Anonymization: Any data involving personal or institutional information must be anonymized to ensure that individuals or companies cannot be identified from publicly shared data.
Aggregated Data Processing: Individual transactions and investment records should be aggregated to exclude detailed descriptions of individual behavior and focus on overall market activities.
Compliance Requirements: Depending on the country or region, public storage of financial data must comply with regulatory requirements, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or the Personal Information Protection Law (PIPL), ensuring the data's legality and compliance.
In the financial industry, certain transaction data, market analysis data, and investment records can be publicly stored after compliance processing, particularly when anonymized and aggregated. The key is ensuring that client privacy and commercially sensitive information are protected, while adhering to legal and regulatory standards to guarantee the security and legality of the data.

Where was the data currently stored in this dataset sourced from

My Own Storage Infra

If you answered "Other" in the previous question, enter the details here

No response

If you are a data preparer. What is your location (Country/Region)

Hong Kong

If you are a data preparer, how will the data be prepared? Please include tooling used and technical details?

1. **Data Collection**
   - **Data Source Identification**: Manually label and differentiate existing disks to identify publicly storable data.
   - **Automation Tools**:
     - **SQL Queries**: Used for databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL.
     - **API**: Use tools like Postman or Python's `requests` library to fetch real-time data.
     - **ETL Tools (Extract, Transform, Load)**: Tools like Apache NiFi, Talend, or Airbyte can automate and scale the data extraction process.

2. **Data Import**
   - **Storage**: Store data in the appropriate system based on its format and size:
     - **Relational Databases**: Such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite (for structured data).
     - **NoSQL Databases**: Such as MongoDB or Cassandra (for semi-structured or unstructured data).
   - **Automation**: Use ETL/ELT pipelines (e.g., Apache Airflow) to automate the data import process, ensuring regular and consistent data loading.
   - **IPFS**: Tools like Lotus or Boost are required for this.

If you are not preparing the data, who will prepare the data? (Provide name and business)

No response

Has this dataset been stored on the Filecoin network before? If so, please explain and make the case why you would like to store this dataset again to the network. Provide details on preparation and/or SP distribution.

Yes, this dataset has been stored on the Filecoin network before. The dataset was initially uploaded and distributed to multiple Storage Providers (SPs) to ensure redundancy, fault tolerance, and decentralized accessibility. The data was partitioned and verified for proper sealing and integrity checks through Filecoin's built-in proof mechanisms. However, due to the dynamic nature of the data, evolving access requirements, and updated technological standards, we are now considering storing it again.

The decision to store this dataset again on the Filecoin network stems from several reasons:

Data Versioning and Updates: The dataset has undergone revisions, enhancements, or additions that make it significantly different from the previous version. Storing the updated dataset ensures that the latest information is available to users while retaining access to earlier versions.

Longer Storage Duration: We aim to extend the storage period beyond the initial contract to ensure long-term access and durability. Some prior deals may have expired, so storing the dataset again would guarantee continued access.

Improved Storage Provider Distribution: With the expansion of the Filecoin ecosystem, we now have access to a wider variety of SPs across different geographic locations. This enhances the dataset’s resilience, accessibility, and speed of retrieval globally.

Enhanced Redundancy and Fault Tolerance: Storing the dataset again with additional replication across new SPs strengthens the dataset's availability and protection against potential SP failures.

Cost-Effective Solutions: Filecoin's storage pricing models may have evolved since the initial storage, allowing for more cost-effective storage deals that align with our budget and long-term storage goals.

Please share a sample of the data

Confirm that this is a public dataset that can be retrieved by anyone on the Network

If you chose not to confirm, what was the reason

No response

What is the expected retrieval frequency for this data


For how long do you plan to keep this dataset stored on Filecoin

2 to 3 years

In which geographies do you plan on making storage deals

Greater China, Asia other than Greater China, North America

How will you be distributing your data to storage providers

HTTP or FTP server, IPFS, Shipping hard drives

How did you find your storage providers

Slack, Partners

If you answered "Others" in the previous question, what is the tool or platform you used

No response

Please list the provider IDs and location of the storage providers you will be working with.

f02980903  South Korea
f02826253  Singapore
f03157883  china-Guangdong
f02826815  Hong Kong
f03179570  Singapore

How do you plan to make deals to your storage providers

Boost client, Lotus client

If you answered "Others/custom tool" in the previous question, enter the details here

No response

Can you confirm that you will follow the Fil+ guideline


datacap-bot[bot] commented 20 hours ago

Application is waiting for allocator review

DaYouGroup commented 16 hours ago

@Firestony Thank you for applying for DC to DAYOU. Please understand even if there is something clumsy at the beginning of the allocator system. Before DC allocation, I would like to ask you a few questions.

  1. Please provide relevant documents to prove that you are your own subject to submit the application.
  2. Have you prepared enough token for sector pledge?
Firestony commented 16 hours ago


Thank you for your reply. Feel free to contact me anytime if needed.

  1. We are based in Hong Kong, and the company is registered in the UK. Here is our certification proof. NShared Investment Global Limited

  2. Yes, we have relevant experience and hope to receive your support.

DaYouGroup commented 16 hours ago

Thank you for your reply. I have received the certificate you submitted. Are the cooperation nodes still ready? In the initial round, 100TiB is allocated by default. After that, we will look at the deployment status and compliance with FIL+ rules and proceed to the next round. Is that okay? @Firestony

Firestony commented 15 hours ago

@DaYouGroup Yes, we are currently preparing to collaborate with the following nodes during the early stages of the project. I understand that their Spark retrieval rates comply with the Fil+ rules, and I hope we can start this project smoothly. Additionally, if there are any changes to the collaborating SPs, we will notify you in this issue.

f02980903 South Korea f02826253 Singapore f03157883 china-Guangdong f02826815 Hong Kong f03179570 Singapore

DaYouGroup commented 15 hours ago

f02980903 /ip4/ South Korea f02826253 /ip4/ Singapore f03157883 /ip4/ China, Guangdong f02826815 /ip4/ Hong Kong f03179570 /ip4/ Singapore

I have confirmed this information and am willing to support this round. I will continue to pay attention in the future! @Firestony

Firestony commented 15 hours ago

@DaYouGroup Thank you so mush.

datacap-bot[bot] commented 15 hours ago

Datacap Request Trigger

Total DataCap requested


Expected weekly DataCap usage rate


DataCap Amount - First Tranche


Client address


datacap-bot[bot] commented 15 hours ago

DataCap Allocation requested

Multisig Notary address

Client address


DataCap allocation requested




datacap-bot[bot] commented 15 hours ago

Application is ready to sign

datacap-bot[bot] commented 15 hours ago

Request Approved

Your Datacap Allocation Request has been approved by the Notary

Message sent to Filecoin Network




Datacap Allocated


Signer Address




You can check the status of the message here:

datacap-bot[bot] commented 15 hours ago

Application is Granted