fils / CDFRegistryWG

EarthCube CDF Registry Working Group on self hosted facility metadata via HTML5 microdata
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URL templates are not being used according to rfc6570 #3

Open smrgeoinfo opened 7 years ago

smrgeoinfo commented 7 years ago

The guidance for the urlTemplate element says they should be templates according to IETF RFC6570, but the urlTemplate content in the example docs are URLs for service-description documents (Swagger, WADL).

Seems like the encoding should be more like this:

    "@type": "EntryPoint",
     "contentType":"mime type that identifies Swagger, OpenAPI, WADL, WSDL, getCapabilties, or other service self description document; unfortunately conventions for such mime types do not appear to be standardized, see e.g. [media type for Swagger Object](",
      "identifier":"alternate option, if there is a URI that identifies an appropriate specification for the service description document",
     "potentialAction":"service invocation (this is another possible property that might help client identifier the entryPoint of interest)",
     "url": "",
     "description": "Data Select WADL description document",
     "httpMethod": "GET"

fils commented 7 years ago

Steve, sorry I missed this.. this is good stuff thanks. I will look into this tomorrow! I've also been thinking about using the Hydra voc for some of this too. However, it's more an actually descriptor language, not just a pointer reference.

smrgeoinfo commented 7 years ago

Doug-- I started work on a doc for IEDA, did the easy stuff, next is the EntryPoint listing. I'll update on progress, but it will be intermittent...

fils commented 7 years ago

gerat! do you want push/pull access to the repo? Then you could just push up edits. Anyway you want to do it is fine though.

smrgeoinfo commented 6 years ago

seems like something like this would be more useful as a template for a sparql endpoint:

    "@type": "EntryPoint",
     "urlTemplate": "{graph}&query={query_string}&format={response_mime_type}&timeout={timeout_sec}&debug={on_or_off}",
     "description": "Sparql query string. parameters are: 
          default-graph-uri: uri of graph in the triple store against which the query will be resolved
          query_string:  a valid sparql query string
          response_mime_type: the mime type desired for the response. valid values are text/html,...
          timeout_sec: integer value > 0,number of seconds before query times out. Default is 10
          debug: value is 'on' or 'off'. If on, a debug trace will be available in the triple store log.
parameters should be URL encoded",
    "query-input": "required name=search_term_string",
     "httpMethod": "GET"