filsh / yii2-oauth2-server

A wrapper for implementing an OAuth2 Server(
MIT License
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How to use this extension with official Yii2 AuthClient ? #155

Open ahmadfadlydziljalal opened 1 year ago

ahmadfadlydziljalal commented 1 year ago

I have 2 apps:

Everything is looked good in every step at Yii2 server side:

 'components' => [
        'urlManager' => [
            'enablePrettyUrl' => true,
            'showScriptName' => false,
            'rules' => [
                '<alias:\w+>' => 'site/<alias>',
                'POST oauth2/<action:\w+>' => 'oauth2/rest/<action>',
 'modules' => [
        'oauth2' => [
           'class' => 'filsh\yii2\oauth2server\Module',
           'components' => [
              'request' => function () {
                 return \filsh\yii2\oauth2server\Request::createFromGlobals();
              'response' => [
                 'class' => \filsh\yii2\oauth2server\Response::class,
            'tokenParamName' => 'accessToken',
            'tokenAccessLifetime' => 3600 * 24,
            'storageMap' => [
                'user_credentials' => 'app\models\User',
            'grantTypes' => [
                'user_credentials' => [
                    'class' => 'OAuth2\GrantType\UserCredentials',
                'authorization_code' => [
                   'class' => 'OAuth2\GrantType\AuthorizationCode'
                'refresh_token' => [
                    'class' => 'OAuth2\GrantType\RefreshToken',
                    //'always_issue_new_refresh_token' => true
            'options' => [
                'allow_implicit' => true

But the problem is, when client side successfully login, why userAttributes is null ? In Yii2 client side, I set the SiteController like this:

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function actions()
        return [
            'error' => [
                'class' => 'yii\web\ErrorAction',
            'captcha' => [
                'class' => 'yii\captcha\CaptchaAction',
                'fixedVerifyCode' => YII_ENV_TEST ? 'testme' : null,
            'auth' => [
                'class' => 'yii\authclient\AuthAction',
                'successCallback' => [$this, 'onAuthSuccess'],

    public function onAuthSuccess($client)
        (new AuthHandler($client))->handle();

Then, in AuthHandler:


namespace app\components;

use app\models\Auth;
use app\models\User;
use Exception;
use Yii;
use yii\authclient\ClientInterface;
use yii\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\helpers\StringHelper;
use yii\helpers\VarDumper;

 * AuthHandler handles successful authentication via Yii auth component
class AuthHandler
     * @var ClientInterface
    private ClientInterface $client;

    public function __construct(ClientInterface $client)
        $this->client = $client;

     * @return void
     * @throws \yii\base\Exception
     * @throws \yii\db\Exception
     * @throws Exception
    public function handle()

        $attributes = $this->client->getUserAttributes();

         * for debugging
         * die(Html::tag('pre', VarDumper::dumpAsString($attributes)));
         * */

        $email = ArrayHelper::getValue($attributes, 'email');
        $id = ArrayHelper::getValue($attributes, 'id');
        $nickname = str_replace(" ", "-", ArrayHelper::getValue($attributes, 'name'));

        /* @var Auth $auth */
        $auth = Auth::find()->where([
            'source' => $this->client->getId(),
            'source_id' => $id,

        if (Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {

            if ($auth) { // login

                $user = $auth->user;
                Yii::$app->user->login($user, Yii::$app->params['user.rememberMeDuration']);
                    'Login by ' . ucfirst($this->client->getId()) . ' Welcome! '
            } else { // signup

                if ($email !== null && User::find()->where(['email' => $email])->exists()) {

                    Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('error', [
                        Yii::t('app', "User with the same email as in {client} account already exists but isn't linked to it. Login using email first to link it.", ['client' => $this->client->getTitle()]),
                } else {

                    $password = Yii::$app->security->generateRandomString(Yii::$app->params['user.passwordMinLength']);
                    $user = new User([
                        'username' => $nickname,
                        //'github' => $nickname,
                        'email' => $email,
                        'password' => $password,

                    $transaction = User::getDb()->beginTransaction();

                    if ($user->save()) {

                        $auth = new Auth([
                            'user_id' => $user->id,
                            'source' => $this->client->getId(),
                            'source_id' => (string)$id,

                        if ($auth->save()) {


                                'Joined as ' . ucfirst($this->client->getId()) . ', and welcome...! '
                            Yii::$app->user->login($user, Yii::$app->params['user.rememberMeDuration']);
                        } else {

                            Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('error', [
                                Yii::t('app', 'Unable to save {client} account: {errors}', [
                                    'client' => $this->client->getTitle(),
                                    'errors' =>  yii\helpers\Json::encode($auth->getErrors()),
                    } else {

                        Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('error', [
                            Yii::t('app', 'Unable to save user: {errors}', [
                                'client' => $this->client->getTitle(),
                                'errors' => yii\helpers\Json::encode($user->getErrors()),
        } else { // user already logged in
            if (!$auth) { // add auth provider

                $auth = new Auth([
                    'user_id' => Yii::$app->user->id,
                    'source' => $this->client->getId(),
                    'source_id' => (string)$attributes['id'],

                if ($auth->save()) {

                    $user = $auth->user;
                    Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('success', [
                        Yii::t('app', 'Linked {client} account.', [
                            'client' => $this->client->getTitle()
                } else {

                    Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('error', [
                        Yii::t('app', 'Unable to link {client} account: {errors}', [
                            'client' => $this->client->getTitle(),
                            'errors' => yii\helpers\Json::encode($auth->getErrors()),
            } else { // there's existing auth
                Yii::$app->getSession()->setFlash('error', [
                        'Unable to link {client} account. There is another user using it.',
                        ['client' => $this->client->getTitle()]

     * @param User $user
     * @return void
     * @throws Exception
    private function updateUserInfo(User $user)
        $attributes = $this->client->getUserAttributes();
        $github = ArrayHelper::getValue($attributes, 'login');
        if ($github) {
            if ($user->github === null) {
                $user->github = $github;

Here is the config that I used in Yii2 client side:


namespace app\components;

use yii\authclient\OAuth2;

class MyAuthClient extends OAuth2

    protected function defaultName()
        return 'my_auth_client';

    protected function defaultTitle()
        return 'My Auth Client';

    protected function initUserAttributes()
        return $this->api('userinfo', 'GET');
 'components' => [
        'authClientCollection' => [
            'class' => 'yii\authclient\Collection',
            'clients' => [
                'myauth' => [
                    'class' => '\app\components\MyAuthClient',
                    'clientId' => 'testclient',
                    'clientSecret' => 'testpass',
                    'authUrl' => '',
                    'tokenUrl' => '',
                    'apiBaseUrl' => ''


And, Here is the info:

    [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
    [yii\base\Component:_eventWildcards] => []
    [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
    [yii\authclient\BaseClient:_id] => 'myauth'
    [yii\authclient\BaseClient:_name] => null
    [yii\authclient\BaseClient:_title] => null
    [yii\authclient\BaseClient:_userAttributes] => null
    [yii\authclient\BaseClient:_normalizeUserAttributeMap] => null
    [yii\authclient\BaseClient:_viewOptions] => null
    [yii\authclient\BaseClient:_httpClient] => yii\httpclient\Client#2
        [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
        [yii\base\Component:_eventWildcards] => []
        [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => []
        [baseUrl] => ''
        [formatters] => [
            'urlencoded' => yii\httpclient\UrlEncodedFormatter#3
                [encodingType] => 1
                [charset] => null
        [parsers] => [
            'json' => yii\httpclient\JsonParser#4
                [asArray] => true
        [requestConfig] => []
        [responseConfig] => []
        [contentLoggingMaxSize] => 2000
        [yii\httpclient\Client:_transport] => yii\httpclient\StreamTransport#5
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_eventWildcards] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
    [yii\authclient\BaseClient:_requestOptions] => []
    [yii\authclient\BaseClient:_stateStorage] => yii\authclient\SessionStateStorage#6
        [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
        [yii\base\Component:_eventWildcards] => []
        [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
        [session] => yii\web\Session#7
            [yii\base\Component:_events] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_eventWildcards] => []
            [yii\base\Component:_behaviors] => null
            [flashParam] => '__flash'
            [handler] => null
            [*:_forceRegenerateId] => null
            [yii\web\Session:_cookieParams] => [
                'httponly' => true
            [yii\web\Session:frozenSessionData] => null
            [yii\web\Session:_hasSessionId] => true
    [version] => '2.0'
    [apiBaseUrl] => ''
    [authUrl] => ''
    [scope] => null
    [autoRefreshAccessToken] => true
    [parametersToKeepInReturnUrl] => [
        0 => 'authclient'
    [yii\authclient\BaseOAuth:_returnUrl] => ''
    [yii\authclient\BaseOAuth:_accessToken] => yii\authclient\OAuthToken#8
        [tokenParamKey] => 'access_token'
        [tokenSecretParamKey] => 'oauth_token_secret'
        [createTimestamp] => 1670846067
        [yii\authclient\OAuthToken:_expireDurationParamKey] => null
        [yii\authclient\OAuthToken:_params] => [
            'access_token' => '358d8f2831a027f9e815a5b44f569678445a9429'
            'expires_in' => 86400
            'token_type' => 'Bearer'
            'scope' => null
            'refresh_token' => 'da3f5c8c33cd694479ee4a4fb51ccdd7943cf478'
    [yii\authclient\BaseOAuth:_signatureMethod] => []
    [clientId] => 'testclient'
    [clientSecret] => 'testpass'
    [tokenUrl] => ''
    [validateAuthState] => true
    [enablePkce] => false
ahmadfadlydziljalal commented 1 year ago

Maybe we need, how to implement the OpenID ?