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Command-line argument to load a Neo·Geo CD game (CUE/BIN)? #1620

Closed ElektroStudios closed 6 months ago

ElektroStudios commented 6 months ago

Actually I have all of my Neo·Geo CD CUE/BIN games compressed with WinRAR (I prefer it than 7-Zip or CHDMAN) to free space. I typically use a shared/global script (for all of my console systems) that I made in PowerShell to automate decompression of the RAR file and run that game with the specified emulator:

WinSnap 01

The problem is that I'm stuck at running the decompressed CUE/BIN with FBNeo through the command-line...

I only found this documentation but it does not specify how to load a CUE file through command-line:

I assume that this can be done, because there are front-ends with Neo·Geo CD systems, and if I remember correctly they use FBNeo to start the emulation.

NOTE: I already know how to load a decompressed Neo·Geo CD CUE/BIN with the FBNeo GUI, my question is to perform that task through command-line.

dinkc64 commented 6 months ago

Hi, I'm trying to figure this out also. The commandline processing is kinda messy and complex, so it's not as easy as just looking at the code. Do you know of a front-end that can load the neocd games with fbneo? If so, I could set up a thing to dump the commandline that is getting used.

best regards,

ElektroStudios commented 6 months ago

I found several mentions to the command-line argument --subsystem neocd for FBAlpha (standalone executable for Windows?) and also for FBNeo libreto core:


This is the supposed command-line syntax that works for the FBNeo libreto core using RetroArch front-end:

(Windows Command)
"...\path_to_program\retroarch.exe" -L "...\path_to_cores\cores\fbneo_libretro.dll" --subsystem neocd "...\path_to_retroarch_game_directory\Neo Geo CD Games\League Bowling.cue"

I've tried different combinations with FBNeo standalone executable:

And the error I get is {FIRST ARGUMENT} is not supported by FinalBurn Neo:

WinSnap 01 WinSnap 04

Obviously it does not recognize the first argument as a valid argument, like if you use any weird string as first argument, it will show that same error message.


I've tried the same commands with FBAlpha v0.2.97.43 for Windows (I'm not sure if the neogeo cd support was yet implemented in this version, but is what I can find) and I get the same error.

Please note that all my games are single file MODE1/2352 CUE/BIN and they work as expected if I load them in the FB Neo GUI, that error message is only shown through the command-line.

I found a user explaining the same problem that I described (but for FB Alpha):

dinkc64 commented 6 months ago

Hi ElektroStudios, Thanks for the info's, let's see what I can come up with :)

best regards,

dinkc64 commented 6 months ago

Good news - Figured it out! :) Grab the update from the nightly builds link, and now you can pass the cue filename to the fbneo exe (use -w at the end for windowed mode)

best regards,

ElektroStudios commented 6 months ago

@dinkc64 Thanks a lot!, it works perfect (with the few games that I tried). This will be integrated into the next stable release, right?.

Anyways, I think that I should close this issue since it is solved. Thank you again.

KamiLordus commented 6 months ago

I have the same problem but in retroarch FB Neo. I would like to add Neo-Geo CD games to a playlist named SNK - Neo Geo CD. However, FB Neo core displays an error finding the game file. Some simple method would be useful, such as automatic or manual scanning of the playlist, or an additional core, e.g. (FB Neo Geo CD) - don't beat me up, it's just an idea :) Currently, the command line or sybsystem tab is not very convenient.

barbudreadmon commented 6 months ago


dinkc64 commented 6 months ago

@ElektroStudios Hi, Sorry - I thought I responded to your message, guess I forgot :) As for your question: yes - all the changes we do on github will stick with the next version(s) if/when they're available :)

KamiLordus commented 6 months ago

@barbudreadmon Only works with a folder named: "neocd"

I would like to change this name to:

SNK - Neo Geo CD

ElektroStudios commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure if this will be of help to you, because I don't use front ends and I'm not sure if the libretto is just distributed as a dll file so I don't know what things would be configurable for FBNeo, but the FBNeo package for Windows it comes with a ini file with name fbneo.ini and this value:

// The path to search for Neo Geo CDZ isos
szNeoCDGamesDir /neocdiso/

In my case I have modified it like this using a relative path with Windows backslashes and it works fine:

// The path to search for Neo Geo CDZ isos
szNeoCDGamesDir ..\..\Neo•Geo CD\