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Violent Storm BOSS SHADOW #1702

Closed BilonFullHDemon closed 1 month ago

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

Shadow of the BOSS character is drawn wrong, its on the sprite/in foreground, it should be behind/background of the sprite. 1 2

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

Just first boss and second one have that bug

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

Thanks, I've been working on this, but its difficult. If you can find any other bad shadows, please let me know

best regards,

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

Thanks, I've been working on this, but its difficult. If you can find any other bad shadows, please let me know

best regards,

  • dink

I went trough the game 3 times and notice just these two.

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

Thanks! Last night I noticed on the train stage, if you throw a few enemies and their shadows overlap, the shadow will sometimes overlap the enemy just like the first midboss.

Anyhow, last night I found a solution to the problem, but it's going to require a complete playthrough of the game looking for problems, are you up for the task? :)

best regards,

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

Yeah, no problem :) is there any specific thing to look at?

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

Just keep an eye on the shadows, for any priority weirdness

best regards,

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

All shadows are good, but I found something different XD There is a some garbage on the black transition screen from first part of Port stage to second one, it last about one frame. viostorm

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

Interesting, any chance I could get a savestate file from a little bit before that happens?

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

Yes I will send it later, just accept DM from me.

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

Save file

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

thanks! p.s. currently the only place I can get private messages is on the forum.

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

I need to find out @ which point the game writes that tilemap. Is there any chance you could do a full playthrough of the game while recording it? If so, use all the savestates/rewinding you'd like, but no cheats please :)

After loading the game: Game -> Replay -> Record input make sure "Record from power on" and "w/NVRAM" are both checked :)

be careful to not load any states which were done outside of the recording, as it'll cause a desync in playback

best regards,

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

Could you pls. attach config\games\viostorm.nv?

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

Wow, nice play! :)

So, what I found: The problem doesn't happen normally, at least, not in your playthrough

If I use a cheat to get to the port level, it'll happen, or if I insert a coin and use the level cheat, but don't press start.. you can see that weird bunch of numbers on some scene transitions of the attract mode.

do you think that explains anything? I mean, do you think its only a side effect of using a cheat?

best regards,

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

But I didn’t use any cheats, never ever, and It’s every time there :/

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

Maybe it has some thing to do with the coin counter?

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

hmm, weird! I'm just going by what I noticed on my side in my tests, not accusing you of using cheats or anything - its just the only way I can make it appear in my tests. Although I can't make it appear at all with your file on my side, so ... hmm, more investigating will have to be done

best regards,

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

What do you mean about the coin counter?

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

Maybe if it’s not 0

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

I went trough the game 3 times today (no cheats as always) and every time its there :/

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

Maybe its a typo in your last transition fix? I will check version before it was fixed and see how it acts there.

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

Ok so it have nothing to do with latest fixes for this game because older version of FBneo have that

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

Could you make a recording each time you do a playthrough and when you see those 5555555555555555555's on the transition, post it here? Using the newest exe's available on github, because I made a little fix to the w/NVRAM option, to include EEPROM also. I need to figure out where the game is writing this stuff to the tilemap, then it might be possible to figure out how to prevent it :)

best regards,

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

Wait hold up, I just figured out how to trigger it! :D I will be back with a fix hopefully soon to test

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

A fix is in, grab the new exe's (when they're done building) and give it a try. Please do a recording in-case it happens again, and maybe there is another way to trigger this than I've found and fixed... anything is possible these days :)

best regards,

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

Yes it seams to be fixed, but when I used Load save state it did pop up again, I used fresh save state from the current gameplay I was doing and recording where it didn't pop up

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

And by the way I discovered more transitions missing and inconsistency compared to the real hardware, post it here or open a new issue?

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

Nice! Could you post the replay and state? And also tell me about where you saved the state? I'd like to try to figure that out Also include your viostorm.ini and .nv file from config\games please

Better create a new issue, to keep things from getting too chaotic :)

best regards,

BilonFullHDemon commented 4 months ago

AFK at the moment, I’m sick :/

dinkc64 commented 4 months ago

sucks! hope you get well soon!

best regards,

BilonFullHDemon commented 3 months ago

Hi! I'm back :) Here is my lates Replay recording from latest FBneo build and a vid. when I save state, it seams that saving state triggers that problem.

dinkc64 commented 3 months ago

Welcome back! :) Can I get your viostorm.ini file from config/games?

BilonFullHDemon commented 3 months ago

Sure :)

dinkc64 commented 3 months ago

Thanks, I'll try to figure it out! :)

BilonFullHDemon commented 1 month ago

Unfixed. Closed because it won't be fixed.