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Graphic issue in Mystic Warriors (mystwarr) #1753

Open dangonzilla opened 2 months ago

dangonzilla commented 2 months ago


A graphic issue appears in Mystic Warriors (mystwarr) when we defeat this enemy. A door opens and it should be visible the background as the above screenshot (image from a real arcade board) but in FBNeo a black square appears (the below screenshot). Is it possible to fix that?


Thank you!

barbudreadmon commented 2 months ago

Hmmm, i sort of remember someone reporting this some time ago and i wonder if the issue wasn't related to overclocking ? I can't find the original report though, so i might be wrong. Definitely not overclocking, the driver doesn't even support it, i'm pretty sure it's not the first report i see about this though, so there might be some reason it wasn't fixed. Can you maybe provide a savestate ?

dangonzilla commented 2 months ago

Hello, I attach you a savestate. As soon as you defeat the enemy, the bug appears (the enemy only needs 1 hit to be defeated at that point).

By the way, we don't use overclocking and we play the game with the Mystic Warriors default options and the FBNeo default options.

Thank you very much!

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

Hi dangonzilla, nice find, I will try to fix this. In mystic warriors, the alpha blending is very weird, so we have to enable it based on what tiles are shown on the screen, instead of the cpu basically pushing a switch to turn alpha blending on/off as in most games.

best regards,

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

It should be fixed now :)

dangonzilla commented 2 months ago

Hi dinkc64,

we've tested it and it works perfectly now. Thank you very much! :) We've found another graphical bug in some TVs that appear in Mystic Warriors. The above screenshot is an image from the real arcade board and the below screenshot is how that part is shown in FBNeo :


You can also see that in this YouTube video at 31:00 minute : (the video is set at the specific start time from that point)

We have prepared this savestate for you in the exact point so you can do your tests. The door only needs one hit to see the graphical bug from the TVs :

Is it possible to fix that? Thank you very much!

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

figured i would add to this post to make it easier, i noticed a few other graphical bugs, the gas in the last stage is supposed to be red, and the credit text is supposed to be in color but its pitch black, and some of the ranking text is black as well instead of being colored FinalBurn Neo v1 0 0 03 • Mystic Warriors (ver JAA) 4_18_2024 3_32_43 PM FinalBurn Neo v1 0 0 03 • Mystic Warriors (ver JAA) 4_18_2024 3_06_04 PM FinalBurn Neo v1 0 0 03 • Mystic Warriors (ver JAA) 4_18_2024 3_24_10 PM

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

TheCoolPup please give savestates for each of these areas along with a screenshot or yt link to how it should look on pcb, so I can do some magic...

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

what the gas is supposed to look like this is where the ranking bug is mystwarr slot the savestate where the gas bug happens mystwarrj slot look at the top of the screen and you can see the credit text is colored also one bug i forgot to mention where the names of the 5 characters stay on another screen

this is what is supposed to happen

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

dangonzilla, I have a sorta-fix for the tv's, but its causing trouble in another part of the game (in the beginning of level1). Hopefully I can get this sorted :)

best regards,

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

Thanks for all the work you do dink, been using this emulator for a long time back when it was called final burn alpha :)

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

@dangonzilla, try now? :) this fix might cause collateral damage, but, I won't have time to play the whole game and find out

best regards,

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

just did a playthrough on the new build, seems to be good :)

dangonzilla commented 2 months ago

@dangonzilla, try now? :) this fix might cause collateral damage, but, I won't have time to play the whole game and find out

best regards,

  • dink

Hi dinkc64,

We've tested it and the TVs problem is completely solved. We've played the game until the end and we haven't seen nothing strange except that we've discovered that the ending is not complete because there are some transitions missing when the characters are crying, between character and character. You can see the part missing at this screenshot collage :


You can see the ending transitions at this YouTube video, at minute 33:50 :

You can download this savestate so you can do some tests :

Can you fix it, please?

Thank you very much!

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

I fixed the gas chamber, and the flash after killing the end-boss. I always wondered why I got hurt in the gas chamber, but since the gas wasn't red, it wasn't obvious! :)

barbudreadmon commented 2 months ago

It's a very good thing that a bug directly affecting gameplay was fixed :)

lordpeluca commented 2 months ago

"and the flash after killing the end-boss"

Just out of curiosity, what does this fix?

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

barbudreadmon, agreed

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

lordpeluca, see in this video, after the final boss is defeated, the screen goes white, then fades into the next screen. Before the fix, it didn't do that

Garagefreek commented 2 months ago

Does this fix the intro?

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

Any part in specific on the intro?

Garagefreek commented 2 months ago

The bit where the screen suddenly turns white to show the main game title on fbneo that’s the glitch - on real hardware it slowly fades to white which is correct..

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

I made a fix for the ending collage, unfortunately there are a couple of bad frames, but its better than no ending collage right? :) secondly, savestates are deprectated with this new version, please don't load savestates from the previous version (or else... malfunction) :)

best regards,

lordpeluca commented 2 months ago


Oh, I see. The truth is that I never played this game on pcb, only on mame at the time and now on FBN. If it wasn't for the errors cited in this thread I didn't even realize they existed.

Anyway, thanks for continuing to improve this emulator that, for me, is the best that exists in performance, plus it is always being updated without reducing the performance (for those who have modest pc and dedicate it exclusively to arcade emulation we appreciate it).

Hopefully someday they will be able to run killer instinct and pgm2, to leave final burn neo as the only emulator. But time to time.


TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

besides one broken scene, its pretty much what it looks like on pcb, thank you dink!!!!!!!!

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

unfortunately it's (currently) impossible to get rid of the bad "name bubble" sprites the intro.

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

I’m curious if it’s some kind of map texture problem, or unemulated security stuff

dangonzilla commented 2 months ago

Hi @dinkc64 ,

Thank you very much for fixing all this stuff. We've played from the beginning to the end again and it's wonderful seeing how everything is working so great. The final addition even though is not perfect is very well implemented. We've added this savestate just in case anyone wants to see the fixed ending.

Thank you very much!

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

Only other bug i can think of in the credits, is the text not fading in and out

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

If it’s a known bug, nvm

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

I noticed a strange bug, during the ending i noticed if kojiro, is the next character the flashback doesn’t play, but if it’s another say for brad, it plays fine, for me kojiro was the 2nd character and it didn’t play the flashback, but with like spyros it played fine, so im curious if this has something to do with the character’s code or something else entirely

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

TheCoolPup, can you get me a savestate from an ending where this happens? after it happens, rewind to before the collage even starts please, then save the state. With this I can fix the issue

best regards,

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

TheCoolPup, actually, nevermind the state - I found Kojiro in another state. The vram logs were from when I played a game where Kojiro was the captured guy, so, his big picture never displayed and my vram logging didn't include him. oops :)

best regards,

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

@dangonzilla, You're welcome, please try your state again, it's improved a little :)

best regards,

Garagefreek commented 2 months ago

Thank you dink you have shown your quality - the very highest..

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

Tested out the new build, seems to be fixed now :)

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

only other credits bug i can see now is that the text in the beginning is supposed to fade in and out between text, this starts to happen when the 4 characters leave the screen and it starts to fade.

Here's the savestate mystwarr slot here's what its supposed to look like on pcb

had to trim the vid a bit for github's file limit