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(Konami Mystic Warriors Hardware) transition effects missing #1754

Open TheCoolPup opened 2 months ago

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

Games that ran on the same hardware as mystic warriors for example gaiapolis, violent storm, etc seems to be missing transitions effects either between scenes, or starting a stage, as far as i know this doesn’t happen on original hardware, also seems that violent storm’s graphics might seem too bright(?) in terms of graphics. as you see on real hardware, the colors look less bright than on emulation. Then again it’s hard to tell if it’s something to do with the capture method or what. Sorry for the long post btw.

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

The konami pre-gx hw emulation is not pcb-perfect at all, we can make little hacks here 'n there to improve certain things, but, to fix every single issue with this hw is really an excersize in futility. At this point, the best bet is to buy a pcb if you want perfection. On the other hand, pcb's need a lot of care & repair to keep going, so maybe the imperfect emulation isn't so bad after all? :)

best regards,

barbudreadmon commented 2 months ago

This is partially a duplicate of

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

Curious how hamster fixed the bugs in terms of Aca, thanks for looking into it either way :)

barbudreadmon commented 2 months ago

Well, in best case scenarios, i suppose commercial emulators have a dedicated team working on this and/or full hardware documentation and/or full access to pcbs for retroengineering. The only thing we know is that it's a tough nut to crack and no open-source emudev succeeded until now.

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

im curious why some transition effects dont work, but some do for example the end of the intro for Mystic Warriors

dinkc64 commented 2 months ago

Hi, Every single one of these transitions need a specific fix to recognize which tiles are on the screen and enable blending of the layers, I've hooked it up for a few things, but, it gets very difficult because each one added could possibly cause issues in other places in the game.

TheCoolPup commented 2 months ago

I see, i mean that’s why bug testers are here haha, not trying to be rude btw