finaldie / auto-news

A personal news aggregator to pull information from multi-sources + LLM (ChatGPT/Gemini/Ollama via LangChain) to help us reading efficiently with less noises, the sources including: Tweets, RSS, YouTube, Web Articles, Reddit, and personal Journal notes.
MIT License
517 stars 56 forks source link

Installation using Helm #68

Closed finaldie closed 8 months ago

finaldie commented 8 months ago


❯ make
=== Local deployment ===
\_ make deps
\_ make build
\_ make deploy
\_ make init
\_ make start
\_ make stop
\_ make upgrade
\_ make deploy-env
\_ make push_dags
\_ make enable_dags
\_ make test
\_ make docker-network
\_ make logs
\_ make ps
\_ make info
\_ make clean

=== k8s deployment ===
\_ make helm-repo-update
\_ make k8s-env-create
\_ make k8s-namespace-create
\_ make k8s-secret-create
\_ make k8s-docker-build repo=xxx tag=x.y.z
\_ make k8s-docker-push repo=xxx tag=x.y.z
\_ make k8s-helm-install
\_ make k8s-airflow-dags-enable

=== k8s port-fowarding ===
Airflow: 'kubectl port-forward service/auto-news-webserver 8080:8080 --namespace auto-news --address='
Milvus : 'kubectl port-forward service/auto-news-milvus-attu -n auto-news 9100:3001 --address='
Adminer: 'kubectl port-forward service/auto-news-adminer -n auto-news 8070:8080 --address='