finaldie / auto-news

A personal news aggregator to pull information from multi-sources + LLM (ChatGPT/Gemini/Ollama via LangChain) to help us reading efficiently with less noises, the sources including: Tweets, RSS, YouTube, Web Articles, Reddit, and personal Journal notes.
MIT License
450 stars 49 forks source link

Notion independence #89

Open ralienpp opened 2 weeks ago

ralienpp commented 2 weeks ago

I'd like to understand the rationale behind choosing Notion as a way to display results.

If one wants to self-host the solution for privacy reasons (e.g., if data are aggregated from sources that include proprietary information), then sending results to Notion would defeat the purpose, no?

If auto-news could generate an RSS feed of its own, or save the results to a Markdown file, or perhaps use a static site generator - it could still serve its purpose without having to invent a UI from scratch.

The system would be more appealing for my use case if it could be entirely self-hosted, running along my own instance of ollama.

finaldie commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @ralienpp

Thank you for the questions and feedback.

I'd like to understand the rationale behind choosing Notion as a way to display results.

Building a UI from scratch is a time-consuming task. Notion is friendly to feed the data while providing an excellent cross-platform UI, which will boost the dev progress greatly.

If one wants to self-host the solution for privacy reasons (e.g., if data are aggregated from sources that include proprietary information), then sending results to Notion would defeat the purpose, no?

Agree, if we fully trust Notion, that's no problem, but if no, Notion won't be a good choice.

If auto-news could generate an RSS feed of its own, or save the results to a Markdown file, or perhaps use a static site generator - it could still serve its purpose without having to invent a UI from scratch.

Good idea, I will do some research to see which one will be a good fit next.

Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts, will continue the research and discussion.

ralienpp commented 5 days ago

As a follow-up, perhaps considering an open-source alternative to Notion could be a good compromise:

It can be self-hosted, so there are no privacy concerns, and you can still reap the benefits of not having to work on a UI.

finaldie commented 5 days ago


Thank you for the recommendation. I will study it then, especially to see whether it could support APIs for uploading the data.