finalfusion / finalfusion-tensorflow-ops

Tensorflow Op for finalfusion embeddings
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Crashes when inputs are expected to be scalars but are not #12

Closed sebpuetz closed 4 years ago

sebpuetz commented 4 years ago


ff_tf.initialize_ff_embeddings(embeddings, ["./tests/testdata/test", "fifu"])

results in an unhandled exception

2019-09-29 16:08:52.166283: F tensorflow/core/framework/] Check failed: 1 == NumElements() (1 vs. 2)Must have a one element tensor
sebpuetz commented 4 years ago

tensorflow's own CreateSummaryFileWriter crashes in the same manner when a list is passed as logdir. I'd still argue that raising an exception is more graceful than aborting the program.