finanalyst / raku-pod-render

Renders Raku POD to HTML, or MarkDown. GUI to take POD from a Module and create a from it. Other output formats possible by changing templates
Artistic License 2.0
8 stars 7 forks source link

Request project membership and creation of a To-PDF subclass repository #28

Open tbrowder opened 4 hours ago

tbrowder commented 4 hours ago

I have discussed this with David Warring (zef:dwarring), the author of most of the very usable Raku PDF modules adhering to the approved, official ISO specification for PDF. Following is a general statement of intent to work on the official code line (WHEREVER THAT IS OFFICIALLY ESTABLISHED).

DRAFT STATEMENT FOR HIS APPROVAL: He agrees that the OFFICIAL repository is the proper place for the repository for the Raku interface with PDF handling modules and the home of subroutine 'rakudoc2pdf' for rendering 'RakuAST::RakuDoc' to PDF.

Considering the draft statement above, and subject to change, here is MY initial proposed plan for development in that repository:

  1. Use the current RakuAST::RakuDoc::To::Text code being developed by Will Coleda (#raku [Coke]) as the basis for the PDF development where applicable.
  2. Follow the published version 2 RakuAST docs as shown on the website starting at and ending at
  3. Provide a usable 'rakudoc2pdf' version as soon as feasible in order for users to evaluate it for their own projects. (I will use it for own my PDF projects, including published releases, with appropriate caveats to warn of deprecated versions and any user requirement for the upgrade.)
tbrowder commented 3 hours ago

In my opinion, the proper official repository location is problematic since the code is involved in definition, documentation, extraction, parsing, and creation of products and could belong in either of the active code lines in Rakudo or Raku

The RSC probably ought to make that call.