finanalyst / rakuast-rakudoc-render

Renders RakuDoc from RakuAst statement list
Artistic License 2.0
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Add initial Dockerfile #1

Closed dontlaugh closed 2 months ago

dontlaugh commented 2 months ago

This is a simple take on a docker build that uses the rakudo base container.

Test from the root of the directory like this

docker build -t localhost/rakuast-rakudoc-render:latest .

The podman executable can be used instead of docker, as well.

Details on usage are TBD, but it will involve users mounting their source code inside as a volume mount.

dontlaugh commented 2 months ago

What would cause this error?

Failed to open file /opt/rakuast-rakudoc-render/resources/compliance-rendering/rakudociem-ipsum.rakudoc: No such file or directory
dontlaugh commented 2 months ago

This installs dependencies via zef, but it doesn't quite work yet as a "containerized executable" for the bin/RenderDocs script.

It would also be good if you could modify your assumptions in the multi sub MAIN that accepts two parameters. Specifically here

render-files([$file,], '.', :$to)

We need to be able to accept absolute paths here and not make assumptions about the names of directories, where they're run, names of input files, etc.

For example, I cloned your example rakudoc repo and ran this

podman run -w /opt/rakuast-rakudoc-render -v $PWD:/src --rm localhost/rakuast-rakudoc-render:latest RenderDocs /src/docs/README
Processing 「.//src/docs/README.rakudoc」 to 「/src/docs/」
Could not open .//src/docs/README.rakudoc. Failed to stat file: no such file or directory

/src/docs/README.rakudoc is a valid path in the container because I've mounted it there. But it's unclear how to target it.

finanalyst commented 2 months ago

@dontlaugh These errors are occurring because of ad hoc links that I have not eliminated.

  1. rakudociem-ipsum.rakudoc is from Raku/RakuDoc-GAMMA and is changing as I find corner cases to be checked.
    • There is an executable bin/get-compliance in this repo that pulls the file from the Raku/RakuDoc-GAMMA repo.
    • I should use one of the git commands, such as submodule or subtree, but I haven't quite got it working.
  2. Understood about the assumptions on the paths/names of sources.
    • render-files was thrown together quickly.
    • I created one callable to render things into .md, and another into .html They probably should be the same with different flag, say --format='md'
  3. however, I would prefer to have defaults that can be overriden. So, would you be happy with:
    1. the directory where the source files are located is by default $cwd/docs and can be specified by --src='/src'
    2. the directory where the .md files are written is $cwd and can be overridden by --to='/output-files'?
    3. If only one file is to be converted then it is named in the arguments.

This means that

I'm just writing it all out fo flesh out the design. I think (!) the named parameters (eg. --src) have to come before the unnamed ones, in this case the filename.

dontlaugh commented 2 months ago

I like the "uses all three" variant for writing things like scripts and CI workflows, because when I revisit things like this in 6 months the flags are scriptive and help me understand what's going on.

finanalyst commented 2 months ago

@dontlaugh I'll rewrite. each variant can be used.