We research the correlations between astrology planet cycles and price effect for multiples financial markets using statistics and machine learning techniques. Join the community discussions at Telegram:
At the financial astrology discussions Telegram group I noted that Vedic Astrologers consider of great importance the location of planets within Moon mansions, this divisions are based in the division of 360 degrees of the zodiac by the average Moon day speed of 13 degrees that results in 27 mansions. I was introduced to this mansions long time ago through Lunar Astrology book by Alexandre Volguine https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Volguine,_Alexandre a French astrologer.
The issue is that the mansions start/end degrees are slightly different in Vedic and Arabic astrology so in order to evaluate the significance of this division we will need to produce two frequency statistics reports using the different degrees divisions as documented at:
The difference between both systems is at most 1 degree from mansion to mansion but trying both we can conclude which one is more precise and relevant.
At the financial astrology discussions Telegram group I noted that Vedic Astrologers consider of great importance the location of planets within Moon mansions, this divisions are based in the division of 360 degrees of the zodiac by the average Moon day speed of 13 degrees that results in 27 mansions. I was introduced to this mansions long time ago through Lunar Astrology book by Alexandre Volguine https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Volguine,_Alexandre a French astrologer.
The Moon mansions seems to be widely used by arabs astrologers and are also mentioned in the treatise "Libro complido en los judizios de las estrellas" https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Libro_complido_en_los_judizios_de_las_estrellas that is an astrological treatise that influenced occident.
The issue is that the mansions start/end degrees are slightly different in Vedic and Arabic astrology so in order to evaluate the significance of this division we will need to produce two frequency statistics reports using the different degrees divisions as documented at:
The difference between both systems is at most 1 degree from mansion to mansion but trying both we can conclude which one is more precise and relevant.