Open shah14is opened 2 years ago
@fineanmol please assign me this.
@fineanmol please assign me this. and please add hacktober fest label to it
@fineanmol please assign me this
@fineanmol i also want to contribute to this issue please assign it to me
@fineanmol please assign this to me
@fineanmol please assign this to me
@fineanmol i also want to contribute to this issue please assign it to me.
@fineanmol I also want to contribute to this issue please assign me.
@fineanmol I also want to contribute to this issue please assign me.
Hi there @fineanmol I want to contribute to this issue please assign it to me .
Assign me :)
Assign me this :-)
please assign me this...
Please assign this to me as well. Thanks! @fineanmol
@fineanmol Pls assign me to this. I have added my name to the and followed guidelines and have sent a PR. I really want to participate and contribute to this issue, pls add a ''Hactoberfest'' tag to my PR and Merge😊
@fineanmol Please assign this issue to me
Assign me :)
@fineanmol Please assign this issue to me
@fineanmol Please assign this task to me
Can I get this issue assigned under Hacktoberfest 2022. This is the first time I'm contributing in hacktoberfest
@fineanmol Pls assign me to this. I have added my name to the and followed guidelines and have sent a PR. I really want to participate and contribute to this issue, pls add a ''Hactoberfest'' tag to my PR and Merge😊
Can you please tell me what all guidelines I need to follow as this is my first time in Hacktoberfest. Where can I find this file to add my name too
@MasterofDeath0, in the repo, check the Code folder, there is a '''' file, edit the file by adding your name after that you send a pull request and wait to be merged so you can be part of the project and make your contributions.
assign me pls..
please assign me
please assign me this
Assign this to me as i am well versed in dsa and i am pretty confident that you will like my merge request.
please assign me this @fineanmol sir
Please assign me this i also want ot contribute some good code
Hi sir looking forward to contribute, please assign this task to me.
Hi, Can I contribute on this issue, please add a ''Hactoberfest'' tag to my PR and Merge
hello, I also want to contribute, please assign a task to me
Have a code by using that you can send your personalize message to the number of email with a single run. and many other such handy codes.
Hello sir, can you please assign me this issue . I would like to contribute.
Dear sir, Please assign this issue to me
Dear sir, please assign this issue to me .I would like to contribute
please assign me this i'll upload cool python projects
please assign me this
Guys! you can access my repository to make your PRs there. I need your contributions in my repository to make it useful. @prabhleenn @yashwanth-gh @kouliki @AnujaDixit12 @ineerajrajeev @iammkullah @Abhi2820 @yukthapriya @priyanshuanand166 @Om12Dahale @Vishal-74 @anushkamandal25 and all others. Hope you find it worth it. Thanks!
Click here Repo
ok i would like to contribute
ok i would like to contribute
Ok you can click on this Link @kouliki
Heyy I want to work on this issue. Please assign it to me.
Heyyyoo @fineanmol ! Would love to work on this! Kindly assign this to me
Can you please assign me this. Thank you.
Add python code for Questions asked in Interviews