Sorry. Your session has expired. Please enter the password again.
arch 各个qq通吃
21:44:23) QQ: ==> [56630] CMD_AUTH 0x00DD, version tag 0x641F len 111
(21:44:23) QQ: Decrypt login packet by random_key, 80 bytes
(21:44:23) QQ: Incorrect password: Sorry. Your session has expired. Please
enter the password again.
(21:44:23) connection: Connection error on 0xa832488 (reason: 2 description:
Sorry. Your session has expired. Please enter the password again.)
(21:44:23) gtkutils: gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file() returned nothing for file
(21:44:23) jabber: jabber_actions: have pep: NO
(21:44:23) TCP_PENDING: Connection has been destory
(21:44:23) account: Disconnecting account 2289688859 (0xa8a6058)
(21:44:23) connection: Disconnecting connection 0xa832488
(21:44:23) QQ: Disconnecting...
(21:44:23) QQ: Remove network watcher
Original issue reported on by on 6 Jan 2012 at 10:45
Original issue reported on by
on 6 Jan 2012 at 10:45