finepointcgi / FinepointCGI-Suggestions

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All Multiplayer suggestions as whole Series #25

Open eweninja opened 1 year ago

eweninja commented 1 year ago

As said in other suggestions, all multiplayer ideas can be packed into one series. The easiest way to go would be creating one, simple project and then convert it to different multiplayer suggestions or to have one starting project and starting from it.

  1. LAN Multiplayer
  2. Client-Server with Godot Networking
  3. EOS Multiplayer
  4. Playfab Multiplayer
  5. Firebase (Realtime)
  6. WebRTC with Websocket Signaling Server

and so on. 😊

finepointcgi commented 1 year ago

I agree... Im thinking of doing a pong project or something like that thats simple and easy to code then add multiplayer to it

eweninja commented 1 year ago

I've added the WebRTC with Signaling Server suggestion to the list above.