fineprint-global / fabio

Food and Agriculture Biomass Input-Output Tables
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Livestock Production, concordance to CBS #22

Closed nk027 closed 4 years ago

nk027 commented 4 years ago

There is an additional concordance table in the code, that maps "Meat indigenous, <...>" to CBS items. These are then added to the CBS. This is rather inconsistent, since some "Meat indigenous, <...>" remains unchanged and other observations are simply repeated, meaning we map e.g.: "Cattle" and "Meat indigenous, Cattle" to "Cattle" and "Meat, cattle" to "Meat, cattle".

nk027 commented 4 years ago

So "Meat indigenous, <...>" is used to estimate mass of live animal trade. This seems a bit spurious and will be dropped for now.

Note that:

nk027 commented 4 years ago

Get tonnes and head counts.

nk027 commented 4 years ago

So we need to adjust conc_live-cbs.csv for units if we want to add both(head and tonnes are availalbe). Since we did not do this before and e.g. bovine meat is in the CBS I'll only add headcounts.

nk027 commented 4 years ago

Never mind, we also do this messy stuff in 1b (line 391), where we create the "Cattle" classifications, etc. This needs to be a separate issue, since actual concordance here (and earlier on with the fao-script) is not done properly - it's just used to drop some variables. See #49.