fineprint-global / fabio

Food and Agriculture Biomass Input-Output Tables
16 stars 13 forks source link

FAOstat fodder crop production data #89

Open sunosnoc opened 3 years ago

sunosnoc commented 3 years ago

Dear All,

I have been trying to assemble the input-output tables from this github repository. The only dataset I still haven't been able to locate is the FAO fodder crop production data. I have emailed FAOstat twice in the past year and have so far not received a reply. I tried to email to the address given in the readme file, but haven't received a reply either (not sure if this is still the correct email?). If there is any way to provide me with this dataset, I would be very thankful!

On another note, some of the other datasets seem to have changed, but I was able to read them in with minor changes to the code. If this is of interest, I could upload this as a branch. Also, I would recommend to include the creation of the folder structure in the script (e.g., using dir.create), so that users do not have to create it manually, when running the code.

Best, Finn

zeroxsc commented 2 weeks ago

Could you kindly provide the data necessary to reproduce this project? The link originally provided by the author seems to be no longer valid. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.