finestructure / Hummingbird

A macOS utility that makes window management a breeze
MIT License
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Activate on just the configured keys #3

Closed cfarvidson closed 4 years ago

cfarvidson commented 5 years ago

Awesome work with this fork!

I'm used to using a click + modifier key to activate but I'm giving this a try. And I'm kinda liking it.

I noticed that if I configured the Alt key for move (it should be the same for any key really). If I press alt+some other key the move action triggers.

I think that It would be great if Hummingbird only triggered if just the configured keys was active on the keyboard.

finestructure commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the very late reply - for some reason my notifications were turned off :/

That's a good point. I've never noticed this, because it doesn't really happen with the double key combos (which happen to be the app's defaults, heh) that I'm using.

I'll have a look into fixing this.

finestructure commented 4 years ago

Actually, turns out in the latest versions (perhaps it's been like this for quite a while) almost all key combinations but the default seem to be impacted.

finestructure commented 4 years ago

Well, it does work, I just forgot to apply the new modifiers after change. This will be fixed in upcoming 3.0.0-11

finestructure commented 4 years ago

Another actually - I believe the actual issue you described was fixed a while back already. HB is checking for modifier keys (from the set of five: shift, control, alt, command, fn) to be set exclusively.

Or do you actually mean that it moves your window if you press, say, Alt-A or some other non-modifier?

finestructure commented 4 years ago

I believe this is fixed now. Please re-open if you're still seeing issues!

cfarvidson commented 4 years ago
