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NFT not showing in marketplace, system management error "NFT 不存在" #72

Open chuawh-theacemeta opened 2 years ago

chuawh-theacemeta commented 2 years ago

Minting is successful, it shows up in the smart contract and it is also pushed into the database. However, there are issues with retrieving the NFT information to be displayed in the vue-web marketplace. Also, when attempting to interact with the NFT authentication in the system management, there will be an error code "-1", "NFT 不存在".

NFT Marketplace:

Screenshot 2022-07-17 at 11 17 40 AM

System Management:

Screenshot 2022-07-17 at 11 16 28 AM
WeicaiZhan commented 2 years ago


chuawh-theacemeta commented 2 years ago

I have let it run for awhile, however the NFT is still not showing up in the marketplace. I traced the source code and this is what I have found:

1) Looking at vue-web's /items route's view component, I see that it is attempting to retrieve NFT information from Springboot backend through the API call to /user/stat and /user/<collections | onsales | created | like. Doing a log of these calls gets me:

Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 11 48 21 AM Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 11 48 31 AM

2) I understand in the database, there are NFTs existing. So I looked into fingernft-api source code. I found that the post mapping for /user/onsales triggers an fingernft-db's FcContractNftExtMapper.findOnsaleNft function. However, I could not investigate any further as FcContractNftExtMapper does not exist in the source code provided by fingernft-db:

Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 11 56 36 AM

3) I believe the problem lies on the connection between the Springboot backend and the smart contracts deployed on Rinkeby network. Do you have any idea of what could be causing the NFTs to not show up in the marketplace frontend? Could it be an ABI problem with the Springboot backend?

Also, how do I verify smart contracts that I have deployed through the System Management panel?

Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 11 57 33 AM

Thank you for your time.

WeicaiZhan commented 2 years ago
