fingerprintjs / fingerprintjs-android

Swiss army knife for identifying and fingerprinting Android devices. MIT license, no restrictions on usage in production.
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Fingerprint is not stable with stabilitylevel.stable flag it changes many times with device restart and as time changes #115

Open yashctn88 opened 3 days ago

yashctn88 commented 3 days ago

Fingerprint is not stable with stabilitylevel.stable flag it changes many times with device restart and as time changes also below i have attached the screen shot and the code that i used to generate the fingerprint.

FingerprinterFactory.create(context = context).let { it.getFingerprint(version = Fingerprinter.Version.V_5, stabilityLevel = StabilityLevel.STABLE) { fingerprint -> Timber.i("Fingerprint: $fingerprint") } }

Same thing i checked in the sample app same issue is being reproduced as well. Screenshot_20240625-195223 Screenshot_20240626-150217

Alexey-Verkhovsky commented 3 days ago

Hello @yashctn88! Thanks for the report. Can you please open navigation drawer, then click the button "Report an issue" and send the raw data to the attached mail (or you may attach it here). Ideally we need the raw data before and after restart (to see what caused the change). Thanks!

yashctn88 commented 2 days ago

Here are links to the attachment json files for reference

Alexey-Verkhovsky commented 2 days ago

@yashctn88 thanks for the files. Now I see that battery capacity has changed for some reason. According to the data we had this was a relatively stable signal, but now looks like it's not that stable. I'll post updates here after conducting a research on this problem.