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ssl_verify attempt to suppress warnings is broken #67

Open davidc opened 3 years ago

davidc commented 3 years ago

This code does not work and also if the caller has already called urllib3.disable_warnings(urllib3.exceptions.InsecureRequestWarning) it prevents that from working either:

if ssl_verify is False:
    warnings.simplefilter("default", category=InsecureRequestWarning)

Removing that code from the Controller constructor allows disable_warnings() to do its job again and actually disable the warning.

requests.version '2.21.0' urllib3.version '1.24.1'

pyunifi current git version as of today.

caco3 commented 2 years ago

That patch is outdated, simply add

            import urllib3


        if ssl_verify is False:
            warnings.simplefilter("default", category=InsecureRequestWarning)