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Postgresql version upgrades #698

Open dmacks opened 3 years ago

dmacks commented 3 years ago

Building off PR #697, we have six different postgresql version suites. Here's a list of the oldest ones' reverse-deps on the 10.13 dist in case anyone has a hankerin' to do some upgrades:


varianted other packages for pg94

postgresql95 [nothing]

varianted other packages for pg95


varianted other packages for pg96


varianted other packages for pg10

postgresql11 [nothing]

varianted other packages for pg11

iplike-pg have no reverse-depends, but only has variants for 94/95/96 (not the newer 10/11/12) postgis has reverse-depends:gdal/gdal2, so migrating those is not more work, but only has variants for 94/95/96 (not the newer 10/11/12; ; should also upgrade postgis libgeos dep)

dmacks commented 3 years ago

Old-libversion gdal has a -pgsql variant that needs a postgresqlXX -dev/-shlibs and a version-matched postgisXX. It's currently at pg96, and that's the latest version of pg that the old version of postgisXX supports.

Newer versions of postgisXX (pg11+) have a dependency on gdal2 -dev/-shlibs. Neither version of gdal seems to have autodetection of postgis (just postgresql), so maybe it's a plugin and could be reduced to Recommends to break the dependency cycle if we wanted to upgrade gdal (old) to a newer pg version.

dmacks commented 3 years ago

libdbi-drivers-pgXX seems to be a mutually-exclusive set (maybe should not be varianted?)

dmacks commented 3 years ago

iplike now has a pg12 variant. Its only reverse-depends is opennms, where it is pg-version-agnostic, and opennms is only available for 10.9-10.11 (no idea why). So I'm turning off pg94/pg95/pg96 of it (would be trivial to re-add any older if someone actually wanted).

dmacks commented 3 years ago

gdal now uses postgis12, so we could turn off older postgisXX, which would leave all postgresql prior to 12 completely unused. phew.