Closed pycoder2020 closed 4 years ago
More details
netstat -abtn | findstr 35.232
Stream stopped again...
2020-03-20 14:41:31,698 DEBUG -----------------------
2020-03-20 14:41:31,698 DEBUG --- response header ---
2020-03-20 14:41:31,840 DEBUG HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
2020-03-20 14:41:31,840 DEBUG Server: nginx/1.10.3
2020-03-20 14:41:31,840 DEBUG Date: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 12:41:32 GMT
2020-03-20 14:41:31,840 DEBUG Connection: upgrade
2020-03-20 14:41:31,840 DEBUG Upgrade: websocket
2020-03-20 14:41:31,840 DEBUG Sec-WebSocket-Accept: 80woxDhWUZnvdGoxr7FwOOUsDik=
2020-03-20 14:41:31,842 DEBUG -----------------------
2020-03-20 14:41:31,842 DEBUG send: b'\x81\xa3d\x8f\xf0\x02\x1f\xad\x84{\x14\xea\xd28F\xfc\x85`\x17\xec\x82k\x06\xea\xd2.F\xfc\x89o\x06\xe0\x9c ^\xad\xa2A(\xad\x8d'
2020-03-20 14:41:36,811 INFO {'data': [{'p': 25.03, 's': 'RCL', 't': 1584708096947, 'v': 4}], 'type': 'trade'} Delay -136ms = 1584708096811 - 1584708096947
2020-03-20 14:41:36,812 INFO {'data': [{'p': 25.03, 's': 'RCL', 't': 1584708096947, 'v': 4}], 'type': 'trade'} Delay -135ms = 1584708096812 - 1584708096947
2020-03-20 14:41:36,812 INFO {'data': [{'p': 25, 's': 'RCL', 't': 1584708096946, 'v': 557}], 'type': 'trade'} Delay -134ms = 1584708096812 - 1584708096946
2020-03-20 14:41:36,812 INFO {'data': [{'p': 25, 's': 'RCL', 't': 1584708096946, 'v': 557}], 'type': 'trade'} Delay -134ms = 1584708096812 - 1584708096946
-------------------REMOVED SOME LINES--------------------------
2020-03-20 15:32:40,338 INFO {'data': [{'p': 23.75, 's': 'RCL', 't': 1584711159774, 'v': 25}], 'type': 'trade'} Delay 564ms = 1584711160338 - 1584711159774
2020-03-20 15:32:40,338 INFO {'data': [{'p': 23.75, 's': 'RCL', 't': 1584711159774, 'v': 25}], 'type': 'trade'} Delay 564ms = 1584711160338 - 1584711159774
2020-03-20 15:32:40,338 INFO {'data': [{'p': 23.73, 's': 'RCL', 't': 1584711160063, 'v': 900}], 'type': 'trade'} Delay 275ms = 1584711160338 - 1584711160063
2020-03-20 15:32:40,339 INFO {'data': [{'p': 23.73, 's': 'RCL', 't': 1584711160063, 'v': 900}], 'type': 'trade'} Delay 276ms = 1584711160339 - 1584711160063
2020-03-20 15:32:40,339 INFO {'data': [{'p': 23.8125, 's': 'RCL', 't': 1584711160184, 'v': 5}], 'type': 'trade'} Delay 155ms = 1584711160339 - 1584711160184
2020-03-20 15:32:40,339 INFO {'data': [{'p': 23.8125, 's': 'RCL', 't': 1584711160184, 'v': 5}], 'type': 'trade'} Delay 155ms = 1584711160339 - 1584711160184
After last update 15:32:40,339 no more data until now... @finnhubio is there any difference in payed API key in streaming? (for example different stream priority, different server). Seems WS stream do not work reliable...
Tried to rerun scrip and for this time stream restored, but we still have issue with stream stopping and leaving open connection.
Still getting websocket hanged from time to time. Here is log with times:
Check time between:
Passed more then 1 minute to get protocol switching header.
Do not get any response for more 13 minutes. Still waiting...
Maybe I can help debug this issue somehow?