[ ] Spectrum should be 180 sec regardless of starting time.*
[x] Fix the problem where declination values in file and in UI are not consistent.*
[x] Survey only beeps once when it should be checking declination until it's correct*
[x] Make test data function actually sort of look like real data
[x] Make a gui simulator: signal, dec (pretty sure we don't need ra)
[x] Clean up dependencies to avoid unused
[x] RA calibration while program running
[x] Clean up codebase to avoid random extra files/directories
[ ] Alert user to move the telescope to 5deg below the target DEC at the beginning of an observation (immediately after observation is created).
[ ] Alert to set cal switches a little bit before calibration should start
[ ] Double check tab order in all layouts
[ ] Add tooltips/hints/labels to everything... oof
[ ] Make sure that the user knows why the program is beeping when motor knob needs to be flipped
[ ] Check to make sure Spectrum declination makes sense
[ ] Add logs so that errors can be better traced
[x] Ensure that the user is warned when needing to switch the telescope motor knob
[x] Validate observation before setting it
[x] Disable buttons/actions that can/should not be taken at any given time
[x] Make default filename a timestamp
[x] Warn before closing
[ ] Give message between bg and obs data collection
[ ] Fix empty space in obs window for scan and spectrum
[ ] Clear observation object upon completion of observation
[ ] Make it possible to take multiple observations when only loading the app once
[ ] Add way of checking observation parameters during observation
[x] Bleeps and bloops
[x] Make it easier to switch between Normal and Testing modes (and Legacy lol)
[x] Standardize button placement and configuration
[x] Fix UI update frequency.
[x] Make all buttons descriptive of function (e.g. not just "Cancel" and "OK")
[x] Make RA display reset after 24 hours
[x] No x button, make File > Quit the only way to close (to avoid accidental closing)
[x] Set progress bar and message box to blank
[x] Make gui update even without observation
[x] Make gui update at fixed rate
[x] Make the voltage channels scale separately, with no numbers displays
[x] Make stripchart not vertically scale with fewer points
[x] Make stripchart speed be based on time, not points
[x] Allow for for N-S or S-N dec cal
[x] Declination calibration should use tars data!
[x] Make RA calibration clear old stripchart data
[x] Set dec range from -25 to 95, interval of 10
[x] Switch dec cal to piecewise, with linear extrapolation beyond endpoints
[x] Dec cal should say "save" on last window
[x] Save previous dec_cal.txt file before overwrite
[ ] Message says Taking observation data... once entering the observation window, even if calibration is not complete
[ ] Declination calculation algorithm assumes data is strictly increasing and gives bad results if it isn't
[ ] Sometimes gives error 'Threepio' object has no attribute 'stripchart_series_a'
[x] On quit outputs a lot of "Can not find axis on the chart." messages with no other discernible effects
Update 0: I just spent a little while attempting to debug this. It is truly perplexing.
Update 1: I just spent another hour mucking about with this. I have no clue why it's happening :(
Update 2: After searching for answers extensively I have determined the source of this bug is likely supernatural. It is worth considering adding some sort of circuitous means to avoid it, since just fixing it appears to be beyond me :/
Update 3: I have added some sort of circuitous means to avoid it. All appears to be well!
[x] Cancel and submit buttons don't work on windows (esc still works, though, so slots probably just not connected properly)
[x] Ctrl + Q not operational on Windows
Update 0: Closed the issue because Ctrl + Q is not how programs are supposed to be quit on Windows. Furthermore, the File menu now says Exit on Windows.
file before overwriteBugs
Taking observation data...
once entering the observation window, even if calibration is not complete'Threepio' object has no attribute 'stripchart_series_a'
"Can not find axis on the chart."
messages with no other discernible effects