finnkuusisto / CS638

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Release Discussion #15

Open finnkuusisto opened 11 years ago

finnkuusisto commented 11 years ago

@MarathonPaul I'm copying our recent email discussion here to keep track of it and to give us a place to continue the discussion.

finnkuusisto commented 11 years ago

From @finnkuusisto I was talking about our project with one of my runner friends in Medical Physics today. He likes the idea and would like to try it out when we have a first iteration complete to give us feedback. He also had a few good ideas about getting publicity. I just wanted to mention a few thoughts I had after I talked with him, some of which you may have already mentioned.

Of course, we need to focus on the actual app for now, but we should continue talking about this.

finnkuusisto commented 11 years ago

From @MarathonPaul Those are good points. I like the idea of having them sign up before we release the site. That can fix the problem of the initial start up without many users. We shouldn't have the sign up too far before we actually release the full sight so that no one just forgets about it. I had the same ideas about advertising with a flyer in race bags. I think that will get so many users. That is a little disappointing that we won't be releasing this until the spring but I did think that winter may hurt our user base and we want to start out strong. But we can use the extra time to really polish the site and have a lot of people like your runner friend try it out. Also, I have a very good friend who has been working as a ui/ux developer for some time who said he would be happy to look at our site when it's closer to being finished and give is opinion on it. We don't have to do anything that he says but it wouldn't hurt to have another opinion.

Also, I know that this is way in the future but after we have a strong local user base I have plans for how to attract users in other cities. Milwaukee (where I'm originally from) has a lot of runners and I have some connections with the Lakefront marathon and the Badgerland striders running organization which is a good jumping off point for users. I think since most of the runners in Milwaukee over the summer are training for the Lakefront Marathon they will be motivated to be active on the site.

Also, in the Delafield area there is a running store InStep that I have some connections with and they have weekly runs. I can almost guarantee all of them would be interested in the site. That area has a running community where they all know each other and would probably use the site for organizing runs more than meeting runners.

I do realize that is many months down the line but I just thought that I would let you know that we do have other cities besides Madison that we could just as easily jump start with users if/when we wish to expand.

finnkuusisto commented 11 years ago

From @finnkuusisto That's awesome that you have connections in Milwaukee and I think that would be a great next step. I have some connections in Minneapolis that I might be able to use even farther down the road. We should also keep in mind that, if Madison goes well, we may need to look to friends and relatives (or even external angels) for some initial money.

finnkuusisto commented 11 years ago

From @MarathonPaul Yeah if I spend the summer at home in Milwaukee I can go to events and make sure it's up and running over there. Yeah thats one issue and that we dont really have any revenue or cost projections. I think at some point I'm going to do some research on that at some point and see if I can come up with some ballpark figures.