finnlennartsson / LIM

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MC subjects for Timmy #4

Open finnlennartsson opened 1 year ago

finnlennartsson commented 1 year ago

Go through all scans in /sourcedata for Quality Control (QC) of motion-artifacts.

finnlennartsson commented 1 year ago

Example for generating a tsv-file (here tagged with _LU) and putting eligible scans in it.

# Generate tsv-file
echo -e "Subject_ID\tfile\tQC_MC_fail_or_pass\tQC_signature\tComment" > $HOME/MC_QC_LU.tsv
# Go through all anatomy scans and put in the tsv-file
for subj in sub-10*; do
echo $subj; files=`cat $subj/*.tsv | grep anat/${subj} | awk '{print $1}'`; 
for file in $files; do 
echo $file; 
echo -e "$subj\t$file\t\t\t" >> $HOME/MC_QC_LU.tsv; 
finnlennartsson commented 1 year ago
# Go to /sourcedata folder
cd /home/hickmat/Research/Projects/BoF_309_LIM_NEW/sourcedata

# Now use the file MC_QC_LU.tsv-file (in $HOME) to visualise all T2w images (MCRIB and some SPC)
for file in `cat $HOME/MC_QC_LU.tsv | grep T2w | sed 's/\tanat/\/anat/g'`; do 
mrview $file -mode 2; 
finnlennartsson commented 1 year ago

How to judge QC:

Example of how to judge QC