This appears to be within jQuery's spec, and I would agree that it is a valid URL string to use.
However, PagerJS does not know how to parse this - relationshipTypes is left unbound in the page's view model. Would we be able to add the ability to parse these sorts of arguments into PagerJS?
For reference, this appears to be the function we would need to augment - it appears to do a simple Regex match that only recognizes primitive values as parameters:
var parseStringAsParameters = function (query) {
var match,
urlParams = {},
search = /([^&=]+)=?([^&]*)/g;
while (match = search.exec(query)) {
urlParams[match[1]] = match[2];
return urlParams;
I have a page in my application with this link:
that leads to a page like this one:
The link URL that is produced is serialized to
which becomes
This appears to be within jQuery's spec, and I would agree that it is a valid URL string to use.
However, PagerJS does not know how to parse this -
is left unbound in the page's view model. Would we be able to add the ability to parse these sorts of arguments into PagerJS?For reference, this appears to be the function we would need to augment - it appears to do a simple Regex match that only recognizes primitive values as parameters: