finos / FDC3

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Context Clearing #1197

Open hellosmithy opened 2 months ago

hellosmithy commented 2 months ago

Enhancement Request

NOTE: Edited to reflect discussion from Standard WG Meeting - May 23rd, 2024 #1215

Use Case:

Enable explicit clearing of individual contexts including within multi-context channels. For instance, removing a filter from a data grid (e.g., by instrument, trade, or time range) while keeping other context filters intact.

Current Limitations:

Additional Information

The issue of context clearing was most recently discussed at the #1215 Standard WG Meeting and several possible solutions were floated.

No decision was made, but there was general consensus that any solution would need to address both requirements of:

Proposed Solution

A combination of the first two options would address both the above requirements.

Extend fdc3.nothing context

interface Nothing {
  type: 'fdc3.nothing';
  subType?: string;


  type: 'fdc3.nothing',
  subType: 'fdc3.timeRange'

The above indicates the lack of a time range context

Addition of a Channel.clearContext method

interface Channel {
  broadcast(context: Context): Promise<void>;  
  getCurrentContext(contextType?: string): Promise<Context|null>;
  clearContext(contextType?: string): Promise<void>;
  addContextListener(contextType: string | null, handler: ContextHandler): Promise<Listener>;


NOTE: Any direct listeners to the cleared subType would not receive any updates as the existing type contract expects that they would only get updates of the context being cleared. As such any consuming application would need to explicitly opt-in to context clearing updates with a separate listener of fdc3.nothing contexts.


channel.addContextListener('fdc3.timeRange', (context: Fdc3TimeRange) => {
  // ... update app state

channel.addContextListener('fdc3.nothing', (context: Fdc3Nothing) => {
  switch (context.subType) {
    case 'fdc3.timeRange':
      // ... update app state
      // ... clear all contexts

Rationale for Hybrid Approach

Some trade-offs:

Some edge cases:

kriswest commented 2 months ago

@hellosmithy Many thanks for the detailed write up. This was previously considered under issue #301, and has subsequently been raised as a question in a meeting at least once. Hence, I believe this is worth revisiting and I propose to do so at the May SWG meeting.

hellosmithy commented 3 weeks ago

I've updated the above proposal to reflect the discussion from the last WG

kriswest commented 3 weeks ago

Many thanks @hellosmithy!