finos / FDC3

An open standard for the financial desktop.
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FDC3 Identity & Threat Modelling -13 June 2024 #1227

Open Yannick-Malins opened 2 weeks ago

Yannick-Malins commented 2 weeks ago

Group overview

FDC3 revolves around several types of independent entities:

Each of these has an identity, and needs to know and trust the identities of several of the others in order to work seamlessly.However, at present there are few or no methods for them to validate those identities within the FDC3 Standard, meaning trust must be assumed. This comes with problems and risks : data loss, identity theft, oauth hell, or an inability to adopt interop via FDC3 - all of which are a threat to the FDC3 ecosystem’s continued growth. This complexity is multiplied by the different types of FDC3 setups now possible - desktop app interop, in-container interop, web interop, and interop between Desktop Agents (Bridging).

Over the past few years, various discussions, demos and roundtables have addressed this topic, but the outcome each time has been “what do our users need?”.

Therefore our first objective in this stream is to dig into what these risks and problems are, before we discuss and work on potential solutions

Relevant issue tags

Meeting Date

Thursday 13 June 2024 - 3pm GMT

Zoom info

Meeting notices

Agenda (50mn)


    participant AppA
    participant AppASecurityLayer
    participant DesktopAgent
    participant AppBSecurityLayer
    participant AppBIntentHandler
    AppA->>AppASecurityLayer: View Orders Intent containing Contact Context
    note right of AppASecurityLayer: Sign Context with AppA private key
    AppASecurityLayer->>DesktopAgent: Send Intent with Signed Context
    DesktopAgent->>AppBSecurityLayer: Deliver Intent
    note right of AppBSecurityLayer: Verify signature with AppA public key
    AppBSecurityLayer->>AppBIntentHandler: Deliver Intent with Contact Context and AppA metadata

TBD: App Security Layer can be backend for max security, or leveraging browser APIs (but then trusting browser)

Note: in next diagram, App security layer and desktop agent are not shown for simplicity

    participant AppA
    participant AppB
    AppA->>AppB: View Orders Intent
    note right of AppB: Generate random symmetric key K
    note right of AppB: Create private channel C
    AppB->>AppA: Intent Reply: Private Channel C
    note left of AppA: Subscribe to Channel C
    note right of AppB: I have a new order!
    note right of AppB: Encrypt Order Context with K and sign it with AppB private key
    AppB->>AppA: Broadcast Encrypted Context
    note left of AppA: Context is encrypted!
    note left of AppA: Verify signature of context with AppB public key
    note left of AppA: Signature valid, I need the channel key
    AppA->>AppB: Key Request Intent for Channel C
    note right of AppB: Wrap K with AppA public key
    AppB->>AppA: K wrapped in AppA public key
    note left of AppA: Unwrap with AppA private key
    note left of AppA: I now have K, I can decrypt encrypted contexts on this channel :)
    note left of AppA: Decrypt encrypted context with K
    note right of AppB: I have a new order!
    note right of AppB: Encrypt Order Context with K and sign it with AppB private key
    AppB->>AppA: Broadcast Encrypted Context
    note left of AppA: Context is encrypted!
    note left of AppA: Verify signature of context with AppB public key
    note left of AppA: Decrypt encrypted context with K
Yannick-Malins commented 2 weeks ago

@Yannick-Malins / Symphony

robmoffat commented 2 weeks ago

Rob / FINOS 🏇

paulgoldsmith commented 2 weeks ago

Paul Goldsmith / Morgan Stanley

hughtroeger commented 2 weeks ago

Hugh Troeger / FactSet

robmoffat commented 2 weeks ago

POC here: