finos / FDC3

An open standard for the financial desktop.
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Multiple Language Bindings #990

Open robmoffat opened 1 year ago

robmoffat commented 1 year ago

Enhancement Request

Use Case:

Adopt definitions and provide space in the FDFC3 Documentation (and repository?) for languages other than typescript.

Additional Information

Implementation of FDC3 bindings in other languages is considered by the FDC3 Standard:

FDC3 is platform- and programming language-independent. An FDC3-capable platform requires a Desktop Agent that supports the FDC3 standard, and that agent is responsible for coordinating application interactions.


The web API binding is expressed using TypeScript syntax that defines the API interface (for both TypeScript and JavaScript). Adherence to the specific binding is required for web application platforms. No specific API binding for native platforms is currently expressed in the standard. Hence, native applications may be implemented with any programming language binding that supports the constructs required by the API specification, until such time that the FDC3 standard introduces an appropriate language-specific binding.

@bingenito contributed .net bindings:

We also have Wellington's Java Api, c/o @wmc-engineer:

Potentially we could also end up with Python bindings (from @chuck-adaptive):

Would be nice if these were integrated and released along with the rest of FDC3.

robmoffat commented 1 year ago

@kriswest for the SWG