finos / InnerSource

The FINOS InnerSource SIG is a community of people implementing, or interested in implementing, InnerSource within their financial services organization.
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2024 InnerSource SIG Talk Series #114

Open chamindra opened 2 months ago

chamindra commented 2 months ago

We will be organising a Talk Series on InnerSource topics with the following plan

Following ownership areas

robmoffat commented 2 months ago

We have Cali doing an 8knot talk on OSR on 5th Jun - is this a dup?

chamindra commented 1 month ago

We will be pushing this to a bit later

chamindra commented 1 month ago

teaser draft

Dear FINOS Forum Members,

We invite you to a series of presentations focused on InnerSource's application within Financial Institutions organized by the FINOS InnerSource SIG and InnerSource Commons. These sessions aim to provide valuable insights, ROI and strategies to help you navigate the transformative landscape of InnerSource in your Financial Institution . Here's what's on the agenda: 11th Jun 2024: Brittany Istenes from Fanni Mae will be talk about how revolutionize how FINTECH enterprises collaborate, innovate and develop a frictionless technology landscape using InnerSource taking the Fanni Mae example 26th Jun 2024: Katrina Novakovic from Citi will talk about how to Architect and InnerSource program so that it adds value and some of the common challenges and how to get over them. Also sharing how InnerSource facilitate Open Source contributions 9 Jul 2024: Julian Hirsch from MECIOS will talk about the InnerSource economics and chargeback models for distributing the cost of InnerSource development 13th Aug 2024: 8knot will shares essential metrics for measuring the value of InnerSource initiatives and the tool they have built to manage it and essential for managing InnerSource at scale 10 Sep 2024: Joseph Zang from Fanni Mae unveils an InnerSource maturity model, guiding projects with steping stones towards maximum benefits and efficiency. 8 Oct 2024: We will be having a roundtable discussion on InnerSource in the Finance Forum 12 Nov 2024: Chamindra de Silva from Citi will discuss how InnerSource licensing becomes more relevant in the world of GenAI where IP rights of Open Source are being circumvented by GenAI

The 20-30 mins talks will be followed by open discussion with the panel of speakers and members around these topics.

Best Regards,

chamindra commented 1 month ago

Brittany Talk Abstract: We will be talking through how the FINOS InnerSource special interest group is working together within the ISC to revolutionize how FINTECH enterprises collaborate, innovate and develop a frictionless technology landscape.

katnovakovic commented 1 month ago

Abstract for my session at OSFF "Inner Source at Citi - Katrina Novakovic, Citi" :

This session will share Citi's experiences of: • Architecting your inner source program - how to decide which projects to include • How inner source actually adds value - how collaborating in teams rather than silos improves productivity and the developer experience at Citi • Common challenges – getting users/contributors, poor quality contributions… • How inner source prepares you for open source contribution

chamindra commented 1 month ago

Abstract - MECOIS @FINOS - Chargeback models

Inner source mirrors the open source paradigm, providing a free-flowing, unobstructed way of conducting software engineering. Thus, it is being hailed as one of the most promising innovations in software engineering, since it enables collaboration across traditional organizational borders. However, as this fundamentally changes established management and development strategies, there is still contention on how to best adapt to the new way of thinking. We as MECOIS, the inner source team at FAU Erlangen (Germany) have made it our goal to break down economic barriers to entry and enable the integration of inner source into more traditional workflows. By focusing on quantitative approaches, our aim is to ease transitioning to inner source or to improve existing processes, and to benefit both management and developers alike. In this talk specifically, we will present our newly-developed “inner source reimbursement model”, which we've built in collaboration with partners from industry and legislation. This model extends the traditional IT chargeback model and provides clear guidance on how to measure, aggregate, and distribute inner source development cost from code contributor to code user. Using modular building blocks, our approach enables inner source controlling at various levels of granularity - from a pure cost-based view needed for management, to a more holistic and value-added perspective required for tax accounting. By the end of the presentation, attendees will have a clearer understanding of how they can use our quantitative methods to measure and steer inner source processes for a successful integration of open source principles in closed organizations.