finos / InnerSource

The FINOS InnerSource SIG is a community of people implementing, or interested in implementing, InnerSource within their financial services organization.
Apache License 2.0
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Documentation to identify different Inner Source License Clauses #85

Open chamindra opened 1 year ago

chamindra commented 1 year ago

Feature Request

Description of Problem:

When I am looking for a guideline to create an inner source license I want a document that will identify different clauses that can be potentially included in my license. These clauses and options will be used in turn to create a license generator similar to Creative Commons

When I am working with the inner source licensing working group I would like to be able for people to add content to this document directly through pull requests such that there is tracking of contributions and a review process of additions.

Potential Solutions:

chamindra commented 1 year ago

I have initiated the clauses document in a fork here

Key: {bracket} - areas that can be replaced by a different term Clause Options - different choices for this license term comments - Comments captured from with license working group meetings and otherwise