Select one problem above to work on this session. Delete the two problems that you won't focus on
How Might empower users that have existing code or want to use AI generated code import that and integrate that within theme builder? BYOC (bring your own code)
The facilitator will prompt you to convert the problem that was chosen to opportunities using the How Might We (HMW) method
How might we show a preview of what has been imported?
How might we integrate with anima?
How might we expose code snippets within team builder to be edited?
4. How might we let the user select their code base?
How might we let the user categorize their code into atomic categories?
How might we report errors in the package?
How might we auto-render figma components from code?
How might we deal with security/ privacy issues around code that has been imported?
How might we autoselect the code language?
After you have at least 10 HMWs, select the one that you believe has the most potential to generate impact
Make bold the HMW that you selected.
Bring your HMW and post it here: "4. How might we let the user select their code base?"
Brainstorm on possible solutions for the selected HMW and post one solution per numbered list item.
Scratch pad
All ideas are good ideas!
Solution 1: Theme builder can integrate with several coding platforms
2. Solution 2: Theme builder can allow users to select their code base by auto-generating from pre-existing code bases that the user has (based on the user's history)
Solution 3: Set up an API to easily merge your existing code with the Theme Builder.
Solution 4: Use a tool that converts different code formats into something the Theme Builder can use.
Solution 5: Offer training materials and documentation to help users easily integrate and use their coded components in the Theme Builder
6. Solution 6: Add a code editor within the Theme Builder that supports various programming languages and frameworks
Solution 7: Add a preview feature so users can see how their coded components will look and function in the Theme Builder before committing
Solution 8: Create an import bot to walk users through the process of integrating their coded components step-by-step
Solution 9: Enable integration with popular version control systems like Git, allowing users to manage and sync their code bases with the Theme Builder
10. Solution 10: Introduce a modular framework where users can select and plug in different code bases as modules to ensure compatibility and flexibility
Before you go, make bold your top three solutions.
CONGRATS! You have become an Accessibility Theme Builder contributor.
Session 1
Select one problem above to work on this session. Delete the two problems that you won't focus on
How Might empower users that have existing code or want to use AI generated code import that and integrate that within theme builder? BYOC (bring your own code)
The facilitator will prompt you to convert the problem that was chosen to opportunities using the How Might We (HMW) method
After you have at least 10 HMWs, select the one that you believe has the most potential to generate impact
Make bold the HMW that you selected.
Bring your HMW and post it here: "4. How might we let the user select their code base?"
Brainstorm on possible solutions for the selected HMW and post one solution per numbered list item.
Scratch pad
All ideas are good ideas!
Before you go, make bold your top three solutions.
CONGRATS! You have become an Accessibility Theme Builder contributor.
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