finos / ai-readiness

Our goal is to mutually develop a governance framework that manages the on-boarding, development of, and running AI-based solutions within financial services organisations - allowing us all to unlock the potential of this disruptive technology in a safe, trustworthy and compliant way.
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Literature review #11

Open ColinEberhardt opened 2 weeks ago

ColinEberhardt commented 2 weeks ago

There are already a number of guidance documents, governance frameworks, security checklists and more. Within AI Readiness we'd like to conduct a thorough literature review, cataloguing and summarising the documentation that is already present. This will:

  1. Raise awareness of relevant and important documentation
  2. Help us avoid re-inventing the wheel when creating our own governance framework, see #10
robmoffat commented 3 days ago
  1. Model Openness Framework
  2. AI Alliance:

    The AI Alliance will begin its work with the formation of member-driven working groups ... The Alliance will also establish a governing board and technical oversight committee dedicated to advancing the above project areas, as well as establishing overall project standards and guidelines. In addition to bringing together leading developers, scientists, academics, students, and business leaders in the field of artificial intelligence, the AI Alliance will plan to partner with important existing initiatives from governments, non-profit and civil society organizations who are doing valuable and aligned work in the AI space.