finos / architecture-as-code

"Architecture as Code" (AasC) aims to devise and manage software architecture via a machine readable and version-controlled codebase, fostering a robust understanding, efficient development, and seamless maintenance of complex software architectures
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Programmatic Derivation of CALM File Type #490

Open Thels opened 1 month ago

Thels commented 1 month ago

Feature Request

Description of Problem:

It's programmatically a bit of a pain to determine what sort of file you're validating/visualizing. Primarily as there is no indicator of what type of content you're processing without referring to schemas.

For example for the initial PR of the VSCode extension, this led to logic like if $schema contains /pattern/ then it's an instantization. This isn't ideal and can quickly fall apart if someone refers to a pattern without this handy indicator.

Programmatically determining the type of file being processed could simplify our validation/visualization flows from a CLI perspective too.

Potential Solutions:

"calm-type": ["pattern", "pattern-instantiation", ...others ]

Type Suggested File Suffix
Pattern .pattern.json
Instantization of Pattern .instance.json
Control Requirement .requirement.json
Control Evidence .evidence.json
Layout .layout.json
Flow .flow.json

The benefit of having the file names describe what they are documenting would also allow for extra validation to occur - for example if I have a file called .instance.json I know it should have certain elements present.

Names are obviously a discussion point, just wanted to propose what the initial draft could be ( thanks @willosborne for helping with the list! )

willosborne commented 1 month ago

Biased, but I like the second approach more as we discussed during the office hours.

What do people think about the control requirement/evidence part? Do we even want an extension for these domains? I know this was discussed on the call

yt-ms commented 1 month ago

Could I suggest somehow making it less likely to have a collision on the extensions against other things using the same extensions (e.g. .flow.json)? Something like blah.calm-pattern.json seems like a lot of typing, but maybe a compromise is something like blah.cpattern.json or 'blah.c-pattern.json.