finos / calendar

FINOS Calendar
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FINOS Calendar 2.0 #177

Open robmoffat opened 2 weeks ago

robmoffat commented 2 weeks ago

This issue is a revisit of FINOS Calendar in terms of functionality and layout.

It relies on the integration of FINOS Landscape, which will provide Calendar event IDs (matching with those mentioned in the ICS file) related to FINOS Projects; this ability will allow us to filter events per project, as discussed on #63

On top of it, we've included the "Subscribe" button that was proposed on #154 .

Most of the backend will have to be rewritten, and a couple of landing pages will have to be addded, as suggested in these Google Slides (PDF Version )

Feedback is welcome! /CC @psmulovics @mimiflynn @TheJuanAndOnly99 @winmorgan @niamhoparker @jgavronsky

robmoffat commented 2 weeks ago

Calendar Design Calendar Design-2 Calendar Design-5 Calendar Design-4 Calendar Design-3

winmorgan commented 2 weeks ago

This is awesome. @maoo @robmoffat . Few initial thoughts below.

niamhoparker commented 2 weeks ago

this looks great! agree with win on TWAF comment - would be great if we could embed and it would speed up our process. qq - will banks now be able to open this link i wonder?

maoo commented 2 weeks ago
  • Project Page: add to calendar for specific event. May make it too busy, but I do think it could be a user friendly addition.

I think that - if an event is a series - we should provide the option to add the series. Whether you want to join only one event or all of them, it's something you can tweak at calendar level (and depends on your client). But I'd suggest not to add too many buttons/links, to avoid confusing the end user. Agreed?

  • Meeting Page: will this have links to the relevant GitHub meeting issue or just the GitHub meeting filter list of issues?

Not right now.... but it could actually be a good idea! We know which github repository refers to a meeting (it's all in the project landscape YAML file), so all we'd need to do it to query the Github issues and filter by meeting label. To assign a specific agenda with a specific event occurrence, we'd need to pull the Github issue description (and/or title) and parse the date. Doable, probably with 2-3 days coding.

  • This Week at FINOS: would love to discuss this more. If it was something I could embed and paste into the hubspot TWAF email + blog post that would speed up weekly tasks on our end + remove a human error level.

Good point; for that, we'd need to have a something like - where xx is the number of the week you're referring to; the backend logic would need to pull all events from that week and render them out. Doable, probably with 2-3 days coding.

mimiflynn commented 2 weeks ago

I'm tempted to suggest a static site generator like Gatsby that would pull in the events and generate the appropriate pages from them. We could have it run on the same cron schedule we currently use. Thoughts @maoo ?

maoo commented 2 weeks ago

I'm tempted to suggest a static site generator like Gatsby that would pull in the events and generate the appropriate pages from them. We could have it run on the same cron schedule we currently use. Thoughts @maoo ?

Sure, that's possible, and could be part of the 2.x roadmap; we use Docusaurus across the board, I guess that would work too?

mimiflynn commented 2 weeks ago

I don't have enough experience with Docusaurus to say, so I'll lean on the FINOS knowledge. I'm excited to help where I can!

psmulovics commented 2 weeks ago

I was to suggest Gatsby too; with @mimiflynn 's help we could do many things with it that we could not easily achievable with Docosaurus :)

maoo commented 2 weeks ago

I was to suggest Gatsby too; with @mimiflynn 's help we could do many things with it that we could not easily achievable with Docosaurus :)

If you're willing to lead the development of the 2.x architecture, starting from a solid foundation with Gatsby, I would not oppose 😄

mimiflynn commented 2 weeks ago

I want to, let me see how much time I can allocate to the project.

robmoffat commented 6 days ago

Awesome, @psmulovics @mimiflynn - shall we have a meeting next week to catch up on this?

robmoffat commented 6 days ago

Another thing I'd like to see here is to add subscribe buttons for the mailing lists and links to the slack channels - all of which are available in the FINOS landscape YAML file.

maoo commented 6 days ago

Another thing I'd like to see here is to add subscribe buttons for the mailing lists and links to the slack channels - all of which are available in the FINOS landscape YAML file.

As discussed on the call, we found to be an interesting, frontend-agnostic approach, which can be easily plugged with Netlify forms (see submission-created trigger).

Before moving forward with any of this, I'd agree with Rob that we may need to meet.

psmulovics commented 6 days ago

Yes, we always hoped we could start using the netlify backend for more than just static hosting!