finos / common-domain-model

The CDM is a model for financial products, trades in those products, and the lifecycle events of those trades. It is an open source standard that aligns data, systems and processes and is available as code in multiple languages for easy implementation across technologies.
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CDM - Development Operating Model - PR Labels and processing #2129

Closed iansloyan closed 11 months ago

iansloyan commented 1 year ago

Here I propose a process for labelling of Pull Requests by contributors, assessing PRs by maintainers: reviewing, approving and discussing as necessary.

This needs to be agreed by CDM maintainers. Examples are given and more PRs can also be run through this matrix to find a workable matrix of labels and actions to make this efficient and comprehensive.

Timings or a service level agreement from the maintainers should also be proposed and discussed as part of this development operating model.

FINOS Maintainers Issue and Pull Request Approval Process.pptx Pull Request processing examples.xlsx (The excel file is just to store examples of how a PR would be tagged when the labels are implemented - not intending to use offline spreadsheet!)

iansloyan commented 1 year ago


Please review this draft proposal - edits and alternative ideas welcome - particularly those which simplify. Feel free to make edits to the files and upload your own ideas or comment below.

lolabeis commented 1 year ago


lolabeis commented 1 year ago

Requiring that an issue be raised prior to making a pull request in most cases (maybe except for bug fixes, security patches or infrastructure upgrades) would be extremely useful in ensuring that there is a clear business-friendly description of the purpose of a PR. It would help triage massively.

The structure of an issue could be pre-populated with a template to guide users on the raising process. The "issue card template" that has been used for several years for CDM development should provide a good base.

chrisisla commented 1 year ago

Some thoughts:

I like the labels but I personally would struggle to decide what label to put on any particular issue/PR. There is also the issue that one maintainer may think something is critical, but another may think it is optional. This could be based upon a different level of experience, different level of knowledge in the area be changed for example. So if we were to start adding labels then I think it would need to be done as a group to ensure the correct labelling is applied.

I think there are too many options as to which and how many maintainers should review an item. It's too complicated. Can we not just say 2 maintainers for every PR as a minimum, and they have to have a knowledge of the area being reviewed? So for example, if I review a change for derivatives all I am doing is looking to make sure it does not break anything that is used by securities lending; I do not have enough expertise in derivatives to review the actual change itself. It would be better if every PR was reviewed by people with an understanding of all 3 industries but this is probably not feasible.

I like the idea of having templates for our Issues, I think we should create something similar to what Rob and Eteri showed us on a call the other day.

I like the idea of using milestones to help manage release content and schedules. Not really associated to what we're looking at here but I think if we use milestones we can possibly simplify the labelling (as we can just assign to a milestone rather than add certain labels perhaps).

In general I think we've been looking at how we can manage this as an internal agile software development project, which is really how it has been run up until now. But the CDM is not that sort of project now really, it's now an open source project, where we can get contributions from anyone at any time with or without Issues being created. I agree we need to somehow manage this but we need a much more streamlined process, as at the moment the processes described seem to put too large an onus on the maintainers I feel.

tomhealey-icma commented 1 year ago

My final comments are: 1) I like the idea of using an issue template but I'm concerned about the workflow. If you create an issue and then a PR, should maintainers comment the issue or PR? I would suggest giving it a try for large modelling changes and then if needed we can expand it for other types of PRs. The issue is only for reference and would not necessarily determine the outcome of the PR.

2) I disagree with the maintainer selecting persons to review. I would want to have any of the primary maintainers/reviewers to have the option to review. My point here is that even if you are not a domain expert we need to agree on a set of design principles that will guide contributors and reviewers. Related to this I would also suggest that each month one review would have the responsibility to review new PRs and validate the labels and other criteria before other reviewers would need to proceed. A label, "Passed Operational Rules" would be added.

3) I don't think documentation should be required with the PR. It can be added later as a separate PR.

4) While the labelling appears complex, if we can manage it, I think it will better help us review, approve and process PRs.

dschwartznyc commented 1 year ago

This is a fine start - ty Ian.


Confirming the goals of the process as a baseline. Proposed are:

From a cursory review of open-source feature/release management, there seem to be at least two approaches:

The second seems more appropriate given the objective that CDM becomes mission-critical to Capital Markets.

I suggest that the focus of the governance process should shift to the review of changes (see the attached for an overview). This shift should create scale by removing the potential that the WGs become a bottleneck to starting work and by removing the bottleneck that could come from the Contribution WG having to conduct detailed functional reviews. It does place the burden on the WGs/maintainers to review changes.

Under this approach:

Modeling / Technical WG review/approval begins with triage to confirm the categorization of the PR (urgency, complexity, scope alignment). Approval is based on:

CDM Change Management.pdf

tomhealey-icma commented 1 year ago

At the prior CRWG meeting we agreed to finalize the development operating model #2129, by today, June 2nd. I’ve Summarized the comments that I believe we’ve agreed to and will move forward with:

  1. We will work to create a template for contributors to use. Until the templates are ready, users will follow the existing structure and provide as much detail as possible to expedite review and approval of a PR.
  2. Contributors will be required to open a Git Issue with detailed background information on the proposed change. This should include business cases and examples. I had proposed limiting this to large modelling changes only and not all PRs.
  3. PR modelling changes must follow the design principles and guidelines.
  4. All maintainers will have the opportunity to comment on and review PRs.
  5. Documentation can be submitted in a separate PR after the model and code change PR.
  6. The policies will go into effect on Monday June 12th. All existing PRs are grandfathered in, but PR owners will need to re-tag their projects.

Please provide final comments.

dschwartznyc commented 1 year ago

A couple of questions:

tomhealey-icma commented 1 year ago

@dschwartznyc - I would hope the template can implement some of the rules and guidelines that can help streamline the PR process.

Under the new operating model, what is the PR approval process? Assuming that it varies according to the urgency and extent of the change, how many of which maintainers must have approved the PR for it to be considered for promotion?

The approval process is described in Ian's attachments posted at the top of the issue. Approval is not dependent on a CRWG meeting.

Do those approvals happen in advance or at the CRWG? When a PR meets the necessary criteria and approvals it will be merged into the master for the next release.

Is there a recourse other than resubmitting if a PR is rejected? That depends on why it was rejected and maintainers should be explicit as to why it's being rejected, and rejections should be supported by design guidelines. Some examples would be:_ 1. If maintainers agreed with the need and approach but requested specific changes of names, definitions or model structure, because it does not meet design guidelines then a contributor can make the changes and update the PR. I'm not sure if that's what you meant by resubmitting. If there are a lot of changes the PR can get a little messy so it may be better to close it and create a new one. _2. If maintainers disagree with the basic need or approach then it's up to the contributor to ask for a review at the CRWG or better a separate meeting to present their case or possibly an escalation to the TAs to discuss.

If anyone else would like to comment please do so.

lolabeis commented 1 year ago

@tomhealey-icma About 5. Documentation can be submitted in a separate PR after the model and code change PR.

I recommend making it a requirement to have the doc submitted together with the model and code change. Otherwise what mechanism do you have to ensure that the doc change does happen in the end? That's not good software development practice. The CDM has suffered from inconsistency between the model and the doc in the past, so safe-guards were put in place (checking doc snippets vs actual code) to prevent that from happening in future.

dschwartznyc commented 1 year ago

@tomhealey-icma About 5. Documentation can be submitted in a separate PR after the model and code change PR.

I recommend making it a requirement to have the doc submitted together with the model and code change. Otherwise what mechanism do you have to ensure that the doc change does happen in the end? That's not good software development practice. The CDM has suffered from inconsistency between the model and the doc in the past, so safe-guards were put in place (checking doc snippets vs actual code) to prevent that from happening in future.

Second this view. A PR should be complete at the time it is made. The checklist should include documentation, comprehensive unit tests where appropriate, et al and the code, if any, should have to pass scans. This is good hygiene, especially for an open-source project. If this is not a rigorous requirement, it will be a process of forever chasing missing artifacts.

dschwartznyc commented 1 year ago

Suggest a slight modification to the labels for the Target. Believe that the intent for the label is to distnguish whether the PR is for the current "Production" version of CDM or the next major version, With that in mind, to ensure that there's no confusion on intent, perhaps "Next" should be used instead of "Development"

Additionally, the suggestion that each PR be pre-approved by a WG needs to be withdrawn as that would only make sense if those groups existed for each major domain. The implications of the resulting bottleneck should be part of the broader process review discussion.

lolabeis commented 1 year ago

@tomhealey-icma @iansloyan @chrisisla I suggest we can close this issue now

tomhealey-icma commented 1 year ago

Before closing this issue I think we should agree on the final decisions:

  1. An issue must be raised for model changes and other major changes prior to the PR and linked to the PR. PR template?
  2. Proposed changes must follow the design guidelines.
  3. PRs must have four tags: Category, Criticality, Complexity, Target.
  4. Any and all maintainers have the right to comment on PRs.
  5. Contributors should request pre-PR meetings with maintainers prior to or coincident with submissions.
  6. A minimum of 1 approver is required for minor changes and 2 approvers for complex changes.
  7. file is required with all PRs.
chrisisla commented 1 year ago

Agree with all 7 points @tomhealey-icma

For point 3 I think we need to consider whether we can change the github permissions so that the contributor can add the labels to their PR. I also don't think we need to add labels to the Issues, just the PRs themselves.

For point 5 I would suggest that a pre-PR meeting is not always required, it depends on the complexity and scope of the change (otherwise the maintainers could end up getting swamped with meeting requests).

Off the back of point 5 we also need to make sure that we have an accessible list of maintainers on github/ and how to contact them.

lolabeis commented 1 year ago

We also need a point 8 (or add to point 7) that the PR should include all relevant documentation changes - although those may be provided later during the review process once changes are settled.

Re point 7:

An alternative to requesting to update the file is to join the release notes as a PR comment, including all the relevant .md formatting. Github uses .md natively so the comment should render nicely.

Reason is that the requirement to update the file is a legacy of how the CDM release process evolved over time when it was still close-source. We may want to get rid of it in future. In the meantime while we're still using it, if contributors provide a comment formatted in .md, maintainers can easily copy/paste that in the file. It means we won't need to change our contribution process when we get rid of it.

We're already using that process (requesting to provide the release notes as comment) for other projects like DRR where we don't rely on a separate file.

lolabeis commented 1 year ago

I suggest moving this discussion to being... a Discussion in GitHub, before we close it - Any objection?

dschwartznyc commented 12 months ago

Echoing @lolabeis's comment WRT documentation - it should be a requirement that a PR has all relevant documentation of the change and all required test cases prior to its acceptance/merge.

Also, to ensure that review can be arranged, the list of Contribution WG Maintainers needs to be publicly available.